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The scene first shows Arc talking with his friends on the holo-message, and with his mom and the Straifes in another one.

Lightning: any other problems for you?

Arcturus: nope. We ran the tests multiple times, and they say I'm back in good health. And, I can transform back into Dragon King without worrying about the arm spreading.

Cloud: good. Wouldn't want you to turn into that again.

Kira: I still remember when you were more normal.

Michael: your life definitely became weirder after the accelerator explosion.

Arcturus: yep. (Looks at his right arm) but this arm feels nice. And now I have three versions of it.

Sho: that's cool. (Beat) did you like the drawing I made you?

Arcturus: (remembers the dragon and the phoenix) yeah, that was really cool, buddy. But, are you alright?

Sho: uh-huh! I don't remember what happened, but mommy and daddy said you and your friends helped saved the day!

Arcturus: yeah, something like that.

Tifa: well, it's time for you to get to bed, little man.

Sho: (yawns) but I'm not tired.

Cloud: c'mon, buddy. We agreed to let you stay up to see your big brother, and now it's bed time.

Sho: okay. (Waves) bye-bye, Arc.

Arcturus: (smiles and waves) bye, buddy. (Their call ends)

Yuri: so, where are you guys heading next?

Arcturus: tomorrow, we'll be heading to Disney Castle to plan our next move. After that, we don't know.

Jaime: okay. Well, we're still working through the details to prove you're innocent back home, but we should be done before you get back.

Kira: until then, it's probably better you don't do something really stupid until everything's clear.

Arcturus: that might be difficult given the current situation with Xehanort. But, we'll try to play it safe as best we can.

Yuri: that's all we ask of you.

Michael: we have to go, but we'll talk later. (Ends call)

Arcturus: (turns to Lightning) any word of where Sea-Sea might be?

Lightning: not yet. Akame was called back to the Capital to help her team, and help the rest of Night Raid and the Jaegers recover. I told her we'll let her know if anything comes up. I'll still look into any leads on her. You just focus on Xehanort and saving the universe.

Arcturus: right. Well, keep me in the loop for future info.

Lightning: will do. Talk to you later, love you.

Arcturus: love you too, mom.

The call ends and Arc leaves the room into the giant living room where the others were, in pajamas, and were sitting in chairs and couches.

Ruby: how'd it go?

Arcturus: good. Everyone's alright and they're helping out on each of their worlds. (Beat) so, who's going first?

Since Arc woke up, they decided to have a little group talk with one another. It was obvious that they were still dealing with issues regarding Xehanort and other personal problems. So, they decided o have a group talk with one another and talk about everything that's been going on. They decided to start with the Disney trio, then Destiny Islands, Wayfinder, Sea-Salt, Team RWBY, and Arc.

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