Chapter 15: WHO IS IN CONTROL?

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The scene shows Arc and Team RWBY back at Future City. Arc at first believed they were going to learn more about the NetNav situation, but this was something else. They met up with Kira at the main HQ.

Arcturus: Wait, we're not here for the NetNav?

Kira: It's stable for now, so there's no need to go digital. I actually need your help regarding another case. It's about the gang wars with the dragon emperors.

Arcturus: (groans) Not them again.

Weiss: The what?

Arcturus: Remember a while back when I mentioned that Shiro and Kuroi had friends amongst other dragons? Well, two of which took inspiration from them—Ddraig and Albion. They idolized them so much that they even copied the old armors Cronos and I wore.

Yang: Okay, so what does this have to do with a gang war?

Arcturus: As it turns out, their admiration turned to the point where they've turned to fighting each other to see who could succeed the pair.

Kira: They even chose this world to be their battleground, and have even stolen advance weapons and equipment to fight. With the distractions we've had with the NetNav, we've had trouble containing them. Yuri and I have had our hands tied to try and fix this.

Ruby: Maybe we can help. What can we do?

Kira: If you can find out where they're shipping out weapons and where their bosses might be, it'll help.

Arcturus: Sure thing. We'll see what we can find.

They went out to the city and began to do work. Clara scanned around to see what she can find, and found a few set ups where they were sending the weapons. They went to the first station where they took out the thugs and checked the cache inside the vault.

Arcturus: Well, whoever's supplying them definitely knows their stuff. Thankfully, it's not based on the military tech. But it's definitely lethal enough to cause some damage.

Ruby: They're going through all this just to prove which one's the best?

Arcturus: Apparently.

Yang: Are all dragons this crazy and stupid?

Clara: Apparently.

Blake: Let's get the info to Kira and then make sure no one uses these weapons.

Cronos: I got a better idea; let's sell these and start our own corporation.

As always, Arc ignores the demon in his head and began collecting the data and preparing to ship it to Kira. Then, with his strength, Arc grabbed the vault door and pushed it closed after he applied explosive gel to the cache. Once it was sealed and everyone moved away, Arc pressed a button on his gauntlet and the gel goes off, destroying the contents inside the vault.

Arcturus: One down, a few more to go.

For a while, they were taking out one station after another while gathering  enough evidence to help Kira's case. As they do, they gathered the evidence Kira needed for her case. At one of the caches, Arc decided to take a better look at the weapons.

Clara: (scans it) Interesting.

Arcturus: What?

Clara: These weapons originated from here, but I'm not finding any records of where they could've been manufactured from.

Yang: You said that someone made them, so they're probably from here.

Blake: This many? In a short amount of time?

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