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The scene begins with our group walking in a clearing in the woods. After their encounter on Twilight Town, they decided to travel to other worlds and try to regain Sora's powers. Luckily, the sky was clear and it brought a nice summer feeling to them.

Goofy: (looks at the sky) it sure is a pretty day.

Sora: (stretches his arms behind his head) yeah, the weather is great. It'd be perfect for a picnic.

Donald: why do you think we came here?

Arcturus: well, from what I can tell, the worlds that the World Lion Turtle shows aren't places we want to go, but places we need to go.

Goofy: we'll figure it out as we go.

Arcturus: it's what I usually do.

Donald: (sighs) okay.

Sora: I'm sure we're brought here for some reason. But, can we take a moment to enjoy this place?

Donald: fine with me, as long as there's no Heartless.

Clara: you might want to rethink that, guys.

After she said that, they hear screaming and they see a man landing on the ground behind them. He looks up and sees Heartless jumping down and he quickly gets back up and runs towards the others.

Man: make way! Make way! Make way! (Runs past them)

Sora: (summons Keyblade) Heartless! (To Donald) you see? Soon as you mention 'em, they show up!

Arcturus: (summons Keyblade) story of my life.

Goofy: (readies shield) there goes our picnic.

Donald: (readies staff) I didn't do it!

Clara: boys! Fight first, argue later!

Arcturus: she's right. Let's send these guys packing.

Man: (from behind a tree) say, since you four seem to know what you're doing, mind if I leave this one to you?

Sora: yup. We'll take care of them. Go on, skedaddle!

Man you have my thanks. (Sighs in relief)(to himself) the horse was enough. Don't need any monsters on my trail.

Donald: (over heard him) the what was enough?

Man: oh, nothing, nothing. Name's Flynn. Flynn Rider. (Brings their attention back to the heartless) ohh! Watch out, they look mad!

He then takes off and the gang fights the heartless. They then noticed that Flynn was gone and Arc was suspicious.

Sora: what is it, Arc?

Arcturus: it's something about that Flynn guy. He said something about a horse giving him trouble, and the way he sounded about getting away. I want to find him and find out what he's up to.

Goofy: (points to the path ahead) I think I saw him head thataway.

Sora: huh? But "thataway" is just a dead end.

Clara: only to ordinary people. According to the map, there's a tunnel in the side of the mountain that leads to an isolated area.

Arcturus: well then, let's go over and say hi.

They followed the passage and on the other side was a clearing with a tall tower in the center of it.

Sora: look at that. A tower! Let's check it out!

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