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The scene picks up where the last chapter left off. All the heroes retuned to the present and all of them had the stones. Arc noticed that Steve and Tony had changed into more 1970's clothes, which could only mean something must've gone south back then. He also noticed Thor was holding Mjolnir again. After his last visit with Thor, Mjolnir was destroyed. So, seeing it now, must mean that he plans to use it if something happens. And finally, he couldn't help get this odd feeling that someone's here that shouldn't be. To make it more concerning, that feeling was coming from Nebula.

Currently, Arc is working on the gauntlet while keeping watch over the stones. While working, he kept replaying what he saw in the light. He recognized all the places he saw except the last one, Ruby's letter, and the silhouette of his father. What was that last place? Why did Ruby sound sad during her letter? And, what is he supposed to do now? His thoughts were interrupted by knocking. He turns around to see the original six Avengers at the doorway, all with concerned expressions.

Arcturus: (hopes they're thinking about the mission) don't worry, guys. This is gonna work. I know it will.

Steve: we know, too. But, that's not why we're here. (All slowly enter the room) Clint and Nat told us what happened when you went to get the stone.

Arcturus: (sets the tools down) I know this won't make it better, but in the light, I felt only a few minutes passed. Can we talk about something else?

Natasha: not yet. You lied when you said you saw nothing.

Tony: c'mon, kid, you were with two of the best spies in the history of spies. Did you really think you could just lie and walk away?

Arcturus: it's not a big deal.

Steve: I understand if it upsets you. But, you're not the same. When we last saw you, you looked more happy and ready to explore towards the biggest places. Now, it's like you're wearing a mask to try and make others believe you're ok, but you're not. (Group sits down) Arc, what happened to you?

Seeing that he won't get anywhere unless he does talk about, Arc told them what happened. He first told them that he saw the different world he had been too, hearing Ruby's voice, and seeing his dad on the one world he had never been to. At the mention of his dad, he told them what happened. This included seeing Chelsea's death, Richard's death right in front of him and his mother, and what happened to him when he became the Wraith.

Arcturus: (holds his right arm) I haven't been in that form much, but whenever it happens, all I think about is death and destruction. It's takes away more and more of my sanity and almost kills me every time. (Wipes a small tear from hiseye) all because I failed them.

Steve: (places a hand on Arc's shoulder) I know what it's like to loose someone like that. We all lost some one, even before the snap. For me... for me it was Erskine, Sam and Bucky.

Tony: (places hand on Arc's other shoulder) for me... it was Yinsen and Peter.

Thor: for me it was my people.

Clint: for us is was our friends.

Natasha: and now our families.

Bruce: Arc, the hardest part about this job is... you can't always save everyone.

Arcturus: ...I know... I'm not sure what to do about it.

Steve: it sounds like you're suffering survivor's guilt.

Arcturus: how do I get past it?

Natasha: the only way you can, is if you forgive yourself.

Arcturus: you make it sound easy.

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