Chapter 36: A PROMISE FULFILLED (end of Act 3)

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The scene first starts in black, but then the sounds of the ocean and sea-gulls are heard. Then, it shows Arc's eyes opening and he sits up to find himself on the shore of a beach. Getting a clearer vision, Arc sees he's on Destiny Islands and the sun is setting. He then hears footsteps, but doesn't turn around to see it was Sora and Kairi.

Arcturus: I've been here before, but it feels different this time. It is lovely, I can see why you both like it here.

Sora: (smiles) yeah. In a way, it all started on this tiny little world.

Narrator (mom): the three then sit on a palm tree while they look at the sunset.

Kairi: when we were kids, I woke on the shore. I came from Radiant Garden, but lost my memories. I met Sora and Riku here, and we became best friends.

Sora: then, a few years ago for us, we decided to see other worlds. So, we built a raft to see how far we'd go. But, now I realize that wasn't the best idea.

Arcturus: (chuckles) yeah, I can't see that fully working. (Looks at the ocean) how many places have you seen?

Sora: a lot. Though, the places you took us to we're definitely different from the others. But, at the end of it, I like coming back here.

Arcturus: I get that. Home is where the heart is.

Kairi: speaking of homes...

Arcturus: (nods) I have to get back to mine. Thank you both, and everyone else, for helping me save everyone.

Sora: (smiles) no problem. We're friends, and we help each other. And hey, when you're healed, we get to meet again.

Arcturus: that's right. So, is there anything I need to know before meeting you guys?

Kairi: well, when we meet you the first time, we won't know you. Unfortunately, we can't tell you anything else. We were told "don't give spoilers if you don't want reality to break too much"

Arcturus: that sounds about right. (Steps off the tree and offers a hand shake) well, I'm looking forward to meeting you guys again.

Sora: we are, too.

Kairi: see you in a bit, Arc.

Arcturus and Sora shake hands before shaking hands with Kairi and soon Arc feels himself closing his eyes and falling backwards into the ocean.


In a hospital room, an unconscious Arcturus is lying down. He has a few bandages on him, an arm sling and wrappings on his right arm, and is in a standard hospital gown while hooked up to a few machines. He starts to open his eyes and sees his surroundings. Arc then starts to sit up and fully processed his condition.

Arcturus's Thoughts: (smirks) Jaime's right, I do need to stop waking up in hospitals.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of glass breaking and he looks to see Ruby (in her Volume 4 - 6 outfit) entering the room with a shocked expression.

Arcturus: Ruby? (Ruby punches him in the arm) what was that for!?

Ruby: that was for dying!

Arcturus: I'm sorry, but I had to- (interrupted by Ruby hugging him)

Ruby: and this is for coming back.

Arcturus: (sighs and returns hug) okay.

Clara: (materializes) wait, first you hit him, and then hug him? I still don't fully understand you humans.

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