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The scene shows the Wayfinder trio exploring a ship. The location of the next item brought them to Future City. Specifically, the museum. Unlike other museums, not only does it contain history from their world, but from dozens of other worlds as well. The team found themselves in the international space exhibit with a rocket space program called "Altera." They then used the PDA there that transported them to a specific portion of the world identified as Planet 4546B.

Terra: anything?

Aqua: nothing. We checked this whole area from top to bottom, but there's no sign of the item.

Ventus: and we checked both those islands here, but there's nothing except for a giant cannon on one of them, and an abandoned base on another. Where else can we go?

Aqua: (checks the phone) according to this, the signal's coming from about...(adjusts it) 1700 meters deep.

Terra: then that means it's in the water?

Aqua: apparently. But, from the looks of it, we need to get down there by a certain point in order to gain that much depth.

Ventus: let's head to the shallow ends and find out where we might find one.

They get on their gliders again and headed away from the ship. Once they were close enough to shallow waters, they dived in. Like Caribbean, their magic enabled them to breath underwater and use almost all their magic. They saw various coral and plant life around them, as well as sea creatures that wouldn't be found in the average ocean.

Aqua: it's beautiful here.

Ventus: and amazing! Look at all the animals! Man, Arc's gonna be angry when he finds out we came here before him.

Terra: I'm sure he'll be fine. (Beat) c'mon, let's look for a way deeper.

Nodding in agreement, they started to head where the mountain island is. At first, most of the wildlife left them alone, minus the Bonesharks, Stalkers, Ampeel, and a few minors. But then we're encountered by Heartless and they had to fight them. As one Heartless was about to get them, it was suddenly grabbed by a giant serpent creature that was white and red and mandibles that could easily penetrate a submarine.


It kills the Heartless, but then starts to pursue the trio

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

It kills the Heartless, but then starts to pursue the trio. Seeing this, they started swimming away from the beast, but it roars and tries to grab them. Seeing this, and used their magic to blast it right in the face, causing it to become dazed and swims away.

Ventus: that was terrifying! What was that!?

Aqua: I remember seeing something about that in the museum. It was a Reaper class Leviathan.

Ventus: it definitely fits the name. How do we deal with that?

Terra: it looks like if we attack it directly, it'll back off. But just incase, let's avoid it as best as possible. Let's go before it comes back.

The Sapphire Speedster Trilogy (KH OC Stories)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα