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The scene picks up with the gang going through more of Sonic's past, gathering the areas again and restoring them back.

Classic Tails: you've brought back quite a bit of this world. You're doing great guys.

Arcturus: thanks, but we're still missing more and more of it.

Another rumble occurs and the creature they've dubbed as the Time Eater appears again.

Sonic: watch out!

They all duck and the Time Eater flies past. A colorless Chaos Emerald is visible nearby Planet Wisp, and the Time Eater flies into it, but is repelled by a surge of energy. It appears to be in pain for a moment, then disappears into another Time Hole.

Arcturus: fucking hell!

Ruby: as long as that monster keeps showing up, we'll never get out of here.

Blake: (notices the emerald) but it was effected by that jewel. Isn't that one of the Chaos Emeralds?

Tails: it is, Blake. Looks like they were effected by the space time pull.

Classic Tails: hmm... if you guys use the same technique to pull our friends back, could it work on the emeralds?

Sonic: only one way to find out.

He and his younger self sped through the world and when they returned, the emerald glowed and returned to its original color.

Sonic: it worked!

Arcturus: nice! If this is here, then the other six have to be, too.

Yang: then let's do a "speed" run through this.

Everyone: ... -__-...

With their new objective, they help rescue more friends and gathered the emeralds. During one of them, Sonic does his air boost to catch it, and Classic Sonic's amazed.

Sonic: pretty slick move, huh?

Classic Sonic: yeah. Where'd you learn that?

Sonic: years back. It wasn't easy, but I kept practicing and got the hang of it.

Classic Sonic: cool!

They run through more events with a dystopian future, alien amusement park, ancient temples, and many more. In one place, it was different from what Sonic has seen. It resembles a Scandinavian forest with a snowfall, and a stone pillar with writing on it.

Sonic: what's this place?

Arcturus: you've never been here?

Classic Sonic: never. Then again, I've never been to a lot of these places.

Ruby: it might be a place from one of our pasts.

Weiss: (looks at the writing) Arc, what does this mean?

Arcturus: it's Old Norse . It says "only one who is brave against the trials of Hróðvitnir, shall claim their path to their fate."

Sonic: Hro-what?

Blake: Hróðvitnir. It's another name for Fenrir, the great Wolf Giant from Norse mythology.

Yang: please don't tell me we have to fight giant wolves.

Clara: I don't believe we will have to. But, it might be the only way to claim the emerald. What do you think, Arc?

Arcturus: ...

Clara: you're thinking about doing it, aren't you?

Arcturus looks at the pillar and notices a keyhole. He summons his Keyblade, unlocks the hole, and the stone disappears. They then see Soulless spawn and they fought them. After that, they learned that there's more trials, so they followed the path, and encountered more enemies, each one with a different challenge, such as "don't take damage," "only magic," "low defenses," "no weapons," and a few others.

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