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The scene opens up to Roxas, Naminé, and Xion entering the Merchandise Department. After waking up that morning, Boris contacted his friend and explained the situation. He then informed them that they needed to get to the elevator to reach her. However, Boris needed to access the door a bit of a ways from them. Not trusting him too much, Axel volunteers to go with him, which brings the trio to where they are now.

As they walk, they hear faint humming.

Roxas: did you hear that?

Xion: I did, actually. It sounds like... singing?

Naminé: who's singing?

Roxas: let's hope it's not something that wants to kill us. (Enters the workshop) looks like our only through is there.

They restored the power and moved the shelves away. They also found an audio log belonging to Shawn Flynn, who for some reason sounds like an Irish YouTuber they've heard of before.

They enter the room to find some Alice Angel merchandise on display, but then the lights go out and they hear singing, and then the lights came on in a small stage, and they were greeted by a humanoid angel with the halo infused to her head, black hands, two horns but one was broken, and most horrifying of all, the left side of her face looked like it was mangled by a fish hook.

Susie Angel


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The three were have surprised and almost fired one of their magic attack, but then the glass breaks and the lights go out. The twisted angel spoke in a slightly disoriented voice.

Susie: I see you there. New flies in my endless web. Come along now. Let's see if you're worthy to walk with angels.

The lights come back and the door to the next area is opened. The girls were holding Roxas and the three were slowly calming down.

Roxas: what did we just see?

Naminé: I don't know, but I don't wanna stay here.

Xion: we better hurry back to the others.

Roxas: agreed. But first, can you both let go of me?

They realize what they were doing and quickly let go. They entered different rooms where each had audio logs. One was from Susie, the other from Mr. Drew himself. Joey was talking about how belief can make one do anything, even cheating death itself. Susie's talked about how she was replaced by Allison Pendal as the new human companion to Alice Angel.

Xion: human companion?

Roxas: maybe that was there way of working on keeping the toons remembered; a human element for them. Come to think of it, this merchandise was probably the same way too.

Naminé: but from both stand points. On one hand, it would help them be remembered, but on the other hand, it could earn Joey more money. It almost sounds like he tried to turn this into a business, and was the business side of the studio.

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