Chapter 7: VERUM REX (TOY BOX) part 1

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Before the official scene for this world begins, the scene starts off showing a couple of warriors running to save a girl from robots. Among them was a boy who looked similar to Riku, but had a different flannel pattern on his black leather jacket, a left right eye, and in his right hand was a laser crossbow, and his left held a cyber-like sword with an orange energy blade. This was Yozora.

The scene then changes to show a TV playing it as a trailer for a video game called "Verum Rex." The tv then shuts off and it's shown to be a bedroom with toys moving around.

Rex: I was watching that.

Woody: ah, sorry. But this is no time for television, Rex.

Hamm: gotta say, that Gigas is pretty impressive.

Rex: really? I like Yozora most.

Woody then notices Heartless were spawning in the room. He quickly pushes Hamm and Rex away to avoid being seen.

Hamm: Woody? What gives?

Woody: sh.

Buzz: (lands beside them) are they back?

Woody: shhhhhhh!

The four toys then carefully crawled over to see the Heartless fully spawn in. They didn't notice the toys, but just looked around for a bit.

Woody: all right guys. Today we teach those masked intruders who's boss. (Looks at the others) is everybody in position?

Rex: wait. Hold on! I don't think I'm emotionally prepared!

Hamm: would you calm down? Don't worry. I got ya covered.

Woody then looks over across the room to see a couple or army soldiers giving him a salute that they're ready. On another shelf next to them was three green aliens in blue suites and three eyes waving at him. Woody salutes at them and turns to Buzz.

Buzz: it's go time.

Unknown to all of them, the gang had arrived and were walking out underneath the bed.

Sora: what in the world? Where are we?

Arcturus: from the looks of this massive desk, I'd say we're in a bedroom.

Sora: (realizes their size) oh my gosh! Have we been shrunk!? (Notices hisbody) and...and look at us!

The whole gang had been turned into toys. Now they were mostly in black with a checkered pattern and more blocky than before.

Arcturus: we're toys!

Donald: you know what the magic is for. We have to protect the world order!

Clara: knowing us, that'll be harder.

Goofy: (sees Heartless) gawrsh! We got trouble.

Sora and Donald: Heartless!

Arcturus: (all summon weapons) time to get to work. (All run towards them)

Woody: okay. We go on three. One, two...

Buzz: (notices the gang and stops the others with his wings) wait!

Woody: what are you doing?! (Sees the gang) who are those guys?

The team works fast to get rid of the heartless. It takes a couple of wave, but they soon got rid of them, and the toys decided to make their presence known.

Hamm: are they new? (Gang turns to face them)

Rex: (rushes ahead) wait! Ah— Ah— you look familiar! I know this. (Goes up to Sora) You're, uh, you're, uhhh...

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