Chapter 3: NEW POWERS

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The scene starts off with Arcturus opening his eyes and seeing a white ceiling. He blinks a few times and soon realizes he's not home. He sits up and sees he's in a hospital room, and hooked up to various machines.

Arcturus's Thoughts: what was all of that? It should've been a dream, but, it felt so real at the same time. And, who were those people? I don't know them, but I feel like I met them before.

???: you're awake!

Arc's thoughts were interrupted by a voice. He looks up and see a nurse entering the room. She has a smile on her face and begins checking him for anything unusual.

Arcturus: awake? What happened?

Nurse: what's the last thing you remember?

Arcturus: well, I was home doing schoolwork, then the power went out, and then everything went black.

Nurse: you were struck by lightning after the particle accelerator exploded. When we got to your house, you were unconscious on some glass and in chemicals. You've been in a coma for three months since.

Arcturus: (surprised) three months?! Struck by lightning?! How am I alive?

Nurse: calm down. You're lucky you're alright. In fact, your body appears to be in good health.

Arcturus: So, nothing's wrong?

Nurse: well, (grabs a mirror and hands it to him) your right eye changed color. It might've been a side effect from the explosion. But, other than that, you should be good to return home in a few days.

Arc looks in the mirror and sure enough, his eye went from brown to silver. He briefly remembers the fight he had.

Arcturus's Thoughts: weird. So, maybe that really wasn't a dream.

Narrator (dad): a few days later, Arc returned home where his parents were given some time off and they went out to a diner. They were catching him up on events that happened so far.

Richard: after the explosion, a lot of people either were sent to hospitals like you, or lost their lives.

Arcturus: what about the company?

Lightning: in shambles. They got multiple law sues from the lives affected, and Daniels hasn't said anything on what happened to trigger the explosion in the first place.

Richard: (edge in his voice) well, that no good prick nearly killed our son.

Arcturus: but, he technically didn't had a hand in it. And, even so, I'm here now.

Richard: sorry. (Looks up and gives a small smile) I'm just glad you're alright.

Lightning: we both are. (Beat) Sera will be in town soon, so you'll be able to spend some time with her.

Arcturus: nice! It'll be good to see Aunt Sera. (Beat) how long before you have to go back to work?

Lightning: my boss said that until I say so, I can take as long as I want.

The family continued to enjoy their family time, when a waiter suddenly tripped. Everything suddenly stopped, except for Arcturus. He looks around confused, but time resumed as plastic cups fell to the floor. Arcturus is confused as to what happened. His parents notice this and were concerned for him.

Lightning: Arc? (Arc turns to face her) you ok, kiddo?

Arcturus: (not wanting to worry them) Yeah. Sorry, I was just surprised on what happened.

Narrator (dad): he also messages Ruby on what happened, explaining to her on why he hasn't been responding to her messages. She understood and told him that she's glad he's awake now.

The next day, Arc returned back to Horizon Academy where his friends are waiting for him.

Arcturus: (calls out to his friends) guys!

Jaime: (gives him a bro hug) welcome back, man!

Yuri: we're glad to see you survived. (Notices his eye) what happened to your eye?

Arcturus: effect from the explosion. But, don't worry, I can still see perfectly.

Jaime: good. Wouldn't want you to lose your touch.

The rest of the day was the usual for Arc, until lunch time came. Arcturus notices that Justin and his group were bullying a student. In a blink of an eye, Arc suddenly sprinted right into Justin. He collided with the bully with so much force, he was sent flying across the room and a loud audible crack was heard. But, in the split second Arc did that, he return to his original position like he never left.

Narrator (dad): confused and slightly scared, Arcturus slipped out of the room and made his way outside. In the back of the school, the boy had small sprints that resulted in him crashing into objects around him. When he stops, he looks down at his hand, and sees it vibrating.

Arcturus: (Grabs his hand) w-what the?

Everything slows down for Arc. Looking around for a bit, Arcturus wanted to test something. He took a ready stance, starts to run...

...and ran at super speed, leaving blue lighting behind him. From an eagle eyed view, there was now blue light zooming throughout the city. Needing to stop himself, Arc soon found himself in an abandon building outside of town. He crashes into an old couch and lands hard on the floor.

Arcturus: (groans while standing up) how the hell did that happened? (Realizes something) wait... was this a result from the explosion... or was it from the dream?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of teleportation. He turns around and sees gray monsters. They had black eyes, medium length arms and legs, rags that were torn apart and made them look like ghosts, and sharp teeth in their mouths.

We have found the key

Arcturus: huh? (Grabs a rebar from the ground and gets into a fighting stance) I don't know what you guys are, but if it's a fight you want, then it's a fight you'll get.

Unfortunately, the bar did nothing to them and soon enough, Arcturus was thrown out of the building and landed on a mattress on the ground. But, he still got up for another fight.

Arcturus: great. This thing's useless, but what other options do I have?

The monsters leaped in for another assault, but when Arc brought the rebar for a block, a bright light shined and forced the monsters back. When Arcturus opens his eyes, he sees in his hand a strange sword with a keychain. The words "Keyblade" popped up in his head and the name "Timeline Key."

Timeline Key

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Timeline Key. Form Change: Clock Scepter (freezes time for a short period of time and damages all enemies)

Arcturus: what is this?

His thoughts were stopped when he realizes he doesn't have time for that. Using both the Keyblade and his new found powers, the monsters were now easily destroyed. But, with his energy depleted, Arcturus passes out on the ground. Then, a man in a suit steps out and looks at the boy. He pulls out his phone and calls someone.

???: Farron, I found your son. And it looks like things are worse than we thought. (Looks at the Keyblade) a lot worse.

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