Chapter 1: A YEAR LATER

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The story opens up to Future City bright and early in the morning. At the Farron household, Arc is sleeping in his room, and just relaxes until his alarm beckons him to wake up. He shuts it off, gets up, and yawn and stretches.

Arcturus: (stretches) Clara, you up?

Clara: good morning, Arc. Looks like it's gonna be a beautiful day today. Oh, reminder for you, you have a date later with Ruby on Remnant.

Arcturus: oh trust me, I didn't forget. Let's go down stairs.

After getting dressed and having his morning routine, Arc headed downstairs where he sees Lightning and Chelsea already down there. Since her return and going through the process of not being dead anymore, Chelsea decided to get back to work and even payed a visit to the Capital to see the new empire. Needless to say, it was a bit awkward seeing the others again, and more so that the enemies were now friends. But, when they got pass that, things were actually good for them.

Chelsea: morning, little bro.

Arcturus: morning.

Lightning: what's up for you today?

Arcturus: well, later I have a date with Ruby, but other than that, not sure what else.

On his gauntlet, he suddenly gets a message that showed a current attack was happening down town at the building owned by Joseph Daniels. And furthermore, it was claiming to be helping people with the new meta-humans with either curing or rehabilitation, but in reality, they were experimenting and weaponizing them.

Arcturus: Daniels?

Chelsea: isn't your friend, Kira, on that case?

Arcturus: yeah. She's been gathering enough evidence to build a case against him to put him behind bars permanently.

Clara: she could use a hand.

Lightning: get your gear and we'll meet you there.

Arc quickly grabs breakfast and rapidly eats as he switches from casual clothes to his gear. It was his outfit from the second adventure, complete with the gauntlet/Android arm. He runs out the door, and was running through the city in blue lightning. He arrives to find the building attacked by Soulless and armed gunmen.

Arcturus: well, looks like we're back at it again. (Summons Keyblade) alright. Time to kick some butt.

He targets the enemies and fights against them. Soon, more came in and it became wave after wave of enemies. Arc alternated with his blade and hand to hand against the enemies, and soon moved through them as he makes his way into the area and soon finds a familiar face with the police cars.

Arcturus: Captain Yuri!

Yuri: about time you showed up. Daniels' using the Soulless as a distraction to keep our guys out.

Arcturus: want me to do my thing?

Yuri: it's what you're good at.

Arcturus: you got it!

He zooms in and in the process sends a quick message to a few new friends of his. As he enters the area, he moves and collects items, fight enemies, and found one of the passages he has to go through was freezing everything with liquid nitrogen that was temperatures bellow absolute zero.

Arcturus: can't be a coincidence that he'd set up this area for me.

Clara: probably.

Arcturus fiddles with the gauntlet a bit, and puts on his armor. He makes it through, but there was still frost on it,

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