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The scene picks up where we left off. In the Schnee Manor dining room, Jacques is sitting in a chair on the side of the room, with Winter, Ironwood, the councilmen, Robyn and Clover standing around him. Team RWBY, Penny, Arc, Sora, Mickey, Riku and Kairi are standing together at the end of the room. Clover receives contact on his communicator and exits the room.

Ironwood: I knew you'd stoop low to get what you wanted, Jacques. But this?

Jacques: this is all a great leap, James.

Ironwood: no, it's quite simple really -- now that I know Arthur Watts is alive. Working with a madman like Tyrian Callows, it would be easy for someone like him to coordinate an unthinkably heinous act like the one in that warehouse. Watts designed Mantle's entire security network. He used that access to hack the surveillance system and frame someone else for the job.

Everyone but Jacques looks at Penny, who looks away sadly. Ruby places her hand on Penny's shoulder. Ironwood looks at Jacques again.

Ironwood: all while stealing an election. (Moves closer to Jacques, who becomes nervous) and once you became a Councilman, your newly granted clearance gave him a (slamming his hands onto the chair's arms) backdoor into Atlas' secure network. But you probably hadn't even considered that, had you?

Robyn: The people that died that night, their blood is on your hands.

Sleet: Jacques Schnee must be tried, not only for treason, but as an accesory to murder.

Jacques: these are outrageous accusations! I only intended to win the election. I had nothing to do--

Arcturus finally snaps and grabs him by the throat and pushes him out of the window, dangling him like he's about to drop him. Everyone's shocked by this, and Jacques grasping for air and looking terrified. Arc, however, they saw him with a glare, his eyes filled with pure hatred, and his teeth actually razor sharp.

Arcturus: nothing to do with this? Every choice you've made had those intentions! Enslaving Faunus, abusing your family, giving a wanted man access to the entire network so you can have money, are all your intentions, because you are a selfish, cold-hearted, disgraceful FUCKING prick that doesn't deserve to represent this kingdom!

Sora: (walks over to him) Arc, bring him back, now.

Arcturus: ...

Kairi: Arc, if you kill him, we'll be following into War's plan, and that's what Xehanort wants.

He still doesn't respond, and Ironwood gets ready for one of his pistols, but Riku holds up a hand to stop him. Ruby finally walks over to him and places a hand on his shoulder and he looks at her.

Ruby: Arc, don't kill him.

Arcturus: he has to answer for his crimes.

Ruby: and he will. But, not if you kill him. Don't be the person Cronos wants you to be.

Arcturus turns back to the terrified man, and pulls him back inside and throws him to the ground. Everyone releases a breath they didn't know they were holding and Jacques coughs a bit before regaining his breath. Arc's teeth return to normal.

Sora: thanks, Ruby.

Arcturus: I didn't plan to kill him. I guess I...let my anger go. (Thoughts) I won't lie though, after seeing Weiss's memories a while back, I couldn't help but feel hatred towards him. Could the Black Dragon, maybe be feeding on those thoughts and made me act like that? If so, I'll have to keep my temper in check more than ever until I figure this out.

Camilla: what else will he be able to do with the access Jacques' given him?

Ironwood: with enough time... whatever he wants.

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