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The scene picks up with the gang racing against Luxord to Port Royal. Thy did get hit with some Heartless ships and were attacked by Luxord's own ship and cyclones, but made it close to the finish line.

Jack Sparrow: lookouts, report!

Goofy: starboard side, all clear!

Donald: port, too!

Sora: we got this one in the bag.

Arcturus: (from up top) I wouldn't be too sure, buddy. They're coming up from behind!

The ships reappeared and began firing their cannons. Sora did his best to maneuver the ship and raise a waterfall shield up for defense. Arc also used his grapnels to launch himself from one ship to another and hit the weak points. They also damaged Luxord's ship and Sora fired one of the anchors for them to ride it and board it. They were treated by Heartless and Nobodies, but Sora and Arc triggered form changes and unleashed powerful attacks. When it was done, Luxord reappeared again.

Luxord: (claps) magnificent! I salute you all, gentlemen.

Sora: (suspicious) you're up to something.

Donald: admit it!

Luxord: perish the thought. I know when I've been outdone.

Jack Sparrow: you were outdone before you even started, mate. But I admire your conciliatory way of conceding defeat.

Luxord: yes... Now, I believe I owe you your prize. But I neglected to ask what it is that you want.'ll enlighten me?

Jack Sparrow: aye, that's easy.

Arcturus: is it Rum?

Jack Sparrow: close, Mister Arcturus. But actually, I want the chest that's aboard the Dutchman.

Goofy: no, Jack, don't tell him!

Too late. They were met with silence and Jack was confused until they saw Luxord smirking.

Luxord: really?

Jack Sparrow: (looks at Sora) not good?

Arcturus: nope. In fact, that's the same thing he's looking for.

Sora: doesn't matter now.

With that, they all get their weapons ready to attack.

Jack Sparrow: (draws sword) well...I didn't tell him which Dutchman.

Donald: you tricked him!

Luxord: actually, I outwitted him.

Sora: you knew he'd tell you where it was!

Luxord: (chuckles) I've always been far more interested in the long game. Now let's see where it takes us. That is, if you stay apace.

He teleports away and Heartless flew in and sent them all back to the Leviathan. Sora went to the side of the ship, but to his surprise, the other ship was gone.

Sora: after him!

Jack Sparrow: nay. There's no point.

Sora: why not?

Jack Sparrow: the ship's listing near to scuppers from that cannon fire. She'll be needing repairs. Best make berth at Port Royal.

Sora: whaaat?

Arcturus: c'mon, buddy. The sooner we get this fixed, the sooner we go after the Dutchman. Speaking of which, do you have a clue where it might be, Jack?

Jack Sparrow: I do. But, I shall tell you after the repairs.

With a bit of work, they docked at the docks and headed off into town. As they walked, Jack said something odd.

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