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Before the scene picks up where we left off, it starts back with Young Eraqus, Young Xehanort, and Laura back at their game of chess and Laura looking through one of her books.

Young Eraqus: the game's gotten interesting.

Young Xehanort: true. But, I still have some moves to play. Although, come to think of it, this is actually going longer than intended.

Laura: is that bad?

Young Xehanort: no. It makes the game more interesting. (Looks at the book) which one's that?

Laura: it's my master's. It's about Shiro and Kuroi.

Young Eraqus: really? What did you find?

Laura: according to history, they had taken forbidden powers from Kingdom Hearts itself, and nearly disrupted the balance. As punishment, they were cursed to die and reincarnate for eternity. They choose specific vessels with strong light and darkness, then they fight until either one or both of them die, then repeat the curse.

Young Eraqus: that sounds exhausting.

Laura: must be. I can't imagine having to live like that for the rest of my life.

Young Xehanort: out of curiosity, if they've chosen their vessels, has there been a life where they chose the same one?

Laura: you know? There never was one.

Young Eraqus: interesting. If there was one, would that mean they're both light and darkness?

Laura: it's possible. But, that wouldn't mean they're bad. People keep saying darkness is evil, but it isn't. It's the person themselves that determines whether or not it is.

Young Xehanort: that might be true. The master did give me similar advice on the subject, saying that I'll one day be able to control the darkness.

Laura: that's right, you've been having private lessons with him. You having any, Eraqus?

Young Eraqus: I do, but they focus more on light. Come to think of it, we'd both be those dragons.

Young Xehanort: possibly. In a few years from now, we'll be actual dragons, fighting each other, and potentially destroying everything.

The three just look at each other for a moment, and all bursted out into laughter. Once it died down, Eraqus asked one more question.

Young Eraqus: hey Laura, if you did meet either of the vessels, what would you do?

Laura: I'm not sure. But one thing is certain about them; no matter which side they're on, or race they're from, or even their decisions, they must fight.


On Remnant, things not went from worse, to straight up chaos. First they were dealing with a Grimm invasion, then they were fighting each other and Cronos and a Horseman, then had to hold off an attack led by Salem herself, and now Arcturus and Cronos have officially transformed into giant Dragons and are currently fighting one another. As a result, the storm had kicked up, and now was a blizzard, along with the sky striking white and black lightning around them.

(Play video at 0:14 for full effect)


The two great beasts hand charged towards one another, and when they struck, they took off around the sky in flushes of lighting that was constantly zipping around and striking one another. Meanwhile, the team was still in the FireFly, still shocked at the fact of what Arc became.

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