Chapter 10: BLOOD DRAGON

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The scene shows the aftermath of the Shibyia Kairi saw. There, the city was in ruins, broken armors and weapons scattered around. There were no survivors, except for one. Footsteps were heard, and a pair of feet were walking through the damage. The camera then shows it to be a man dressed in black and with his hood up. He grabs each of the swords and plants them in the ground. He then sees damaged dragon armor, and under his hood, he looks emotionless as he destroys it even more.

Levi's Voice: when I was a child, I lost everything. I joined the creed to forge a new path from what I lost. Little did I know, it would involve getting in a war that would cost all of creation. But in the aftermath, I kept fighting.

The scene then changes from a flashback, to showing Levi on a drop ship. Inside, we're his teammates; 2B, Raiden, Saber, and Spartan. Together, they were the KNIGHTS, an experimental group of enhanced individuals with magic, cybernetics, and skills beyond that of a normal human.

Spartan: you lot ready for some action?

Saber: always.

Raiden: they always get us to do the suicide missions.

2B: to be fair, we're the only one's crazy enough to pull this off. Wouldn't you agree, Captain?

Levi: the creed made us for a reason, lass. Now, remember our mission; the dread emperor may be dead, but he still has ties. Our target is Jackson Rumlow. In the public eye, he's beloved and a kind man, but in the shadows, he ran all the money from the crimes the clan made. We stop him, we bring a huge hit on the clan.

Pilot: we're above the drop zone. You all know what to do.

Nodding in agreement, they get up as the lights turn red and the hanger door opens. The team gets their gear on and and wait for the signal to pop up. After three beeps, they ran and jumped off. They were then sky diving down to a city district at night. They keep going until they each did their landings and were separated.

Levi: (messaged) drop off was a success. I'm in the top access point of the building.

2B: (messaged) I arrived at the southeast point.

Raiden: (messaged) northwest.

Saber: (messaged) I landed not far off the courtyard.

Spartan: (messaged) I see you. You and I can meet in the building and make our way to the others.

Levi: (messaged) roger that. I'll move ahead and eliminate the extra targets. Maintain stealth and rendezvous with me inside.

He ends the messaging and navigates his way through the building. With any targets that had their guard lowered, he took them out quietly and moved through the building.

Levi's Voice: I remember my first stealth mission. It was tense, and stressful. I nearly lost people that day, even had my arm broken. But I pursued the mission and succeeded in the end.

He arrived in a large open room, and heard the P.A. going off that informed them that they're expecting something tonight, and if any intruders were seen, to kill them. Levi sees this and uses the vantage points to navigate around and avoided being seen. It took a little time, but he quietly took them out. One nearly alerted the others,but was silenced by Levi slicing his throat and killing him.

Levi's Voice: one of the things that makes an assassin an assassin, is to have no personal reasons when killing. Emotions can make one loose their touch and can even result in them being killed instead. I don't have the luxury of that anymore. I've lost all that as a child.

He covers them up, and leaves the room. Levi moves quietly into a computer room and began to hack into the data, absorbing all the information they could get from it. Levi finishes, and just turns around to see 2B killing some guards.

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