Chapter 18: A ROSE TO CURE THE WRAITH (end of act 2)

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Time in World: Future City, present day.

The scene first shows a few scenes of Arc revisiting a few worlds. After his latest mission, Arc decided to go back and see a few people again. Afterwards, he returned back home where he went back to Horizon Academy until further noticed. He's now on the clock tower and telling Yuri and Jaime all about his missions.

Yuri: I swear, your need to help people will one day get you killed. You're lucky you survived a crash from space like that.

Arcturus: (smiles) what can I say? If there's a way that I could help those who can't do the things I can, then I'll do it.

Jaime: what if that person wants to do... you know?

Arcturus: (knew what he meant) if that happened, then they'll get a swift in the nuts. (All laugh) anyways, how have you guys been?

Jaime: pretty good. Been taking care of classes and training. Only down side is that we can't go on missions, yet.

Yuri: I'm not complaining too much. This seems more exciting than being a scientist or police captain. (Beat) So, Arc, did you tell your girlfriend about your work so far?

Arcturus: ok, first off, Ruby isn't my girlfriend. Secondly, messaged her a while ago, but last I heard, she was heading to a place called Haven.

Now that Arc thought about it, that last message was a while ago. Ruby had informed Arc that she and a few of her friends were heading to Haven to help people. But, when he tried to message her, she hasn't responded. Even though he knew she could take care of herself, that didn't stop him from worrying.

Yuri: you thinking about her again?

Arcturus: yeah. (Notices their expressions) not in the way you two are thinking.

Jaime: (chuckles) come on, dude. You like her, she likes you, ask the girl out!

Arcturus: what about you and Michael?

Jaime: oh, that's cold. Even for you.

Arcturus: so, you have no problem dishing it out, but you can't take it?

Yuri: calm down, boys. Just be glad we don't have Kira here to sass us.

Arcturus and Jaime: amen.

???: I'm surprised you losers are here.

The trio turns to see Justin and his ridiculous '"gang".

Jaime: what do you want?

Justin: (looks at Arc) where have you been? You disappear for weeks, and yet you're still able to keep up with the academy. So, what've you been up to?

Arcturus: nothing that concerns you, dude.

Butch: the boss asked you a question. So, answer it.

Arcturus: (sighs) look, I just came back home. I really just want to relax and hang with my friends and family until I have to go again.

Justin: what's the matter? You chicken? I see you're acting just like that hot sister of yours.

Next thing they all knew, Justin is kicked in the nuts from behind. He leans down and sees a black girl in her early twenties with a pissed off expression. This was Kira (Yuri's friend).

Kira: (grabs Justin by the collar) you talk smack about his sister again, and I'll give you a broken face.

Justin: (groans) my balls.

Kira: you didn't have any to begin with. (Let's go and Miranda, Justin's girl, drags him off and his crew leaves) (turns back to Arc) you know, you can teach him not to mess with you.

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