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Picking up where we left off, the scene shows Sora, Kairi, Riku, Cuphead, Mugman, and Ms. Chalice making their way through more contracts. Currently, they were on little air planes and currently fighting a giant mermaid with Medusa like powers and an octopus on her head. Her minions were all Heartless and they're currently going through the second stage.

Sora: how have you boys gotten this far with all these bosses like this?

Cuphead: a lot of luck and skill for us.

Kairi: incoming!

They dodged out of the way from a massive blast of the stone blast. They returned fire for a bit until they break her body and she's now a head. They then had to dodge and waive their way through a crystal cave which was hard. But after some struggling, they managed to beat her and collect the contract.

They've now landed and are restocking on items at Pork Rind's.

Riku: this looks pretty good.

Mugman: yeah, we've gotten some good gear from here. (Beat) say, can I see your weapon?

Riku: (summons Braveheart) it's called a Keyblade.

Cuphead: wait a sec, a Keyblade? I haven't seen one of those in a long time.

Sora: you guys know the Keyblade.

Ms. Chalice: I've heard of the stories about them, but the brothers have history with it.

Cuphead: yeah. One of our best friends had one. He was in training years ago, and the three of us were best friends. We'd get into all sorts of adventures, and even cause a little mishap. No one got hurt.

Mugman: but then one day, he was called for a big assignment, and we never saw him again. That was thirty years ago.

Kairi: I'm sorry. What was his name?

Cuphead: Bendy. But, let's talk more about it later. We have more contracts to get.

Sora: alright then, let's go.

Pork Rinds: goodbye.

The six left the shop and resumed their travels. This became a routine of fighting bosses and minor enemies, all the while nearly dying over, and over, and over again. After their encounter on a train and gaining his contract, they arrived to a cave where inside was the Devil's Casino.

Sora: wow! That's quite the place. Why did you both come here again?

Mugman: we just wanted to play. We never meant to cause all this.

Kairi: even if you boys didn't, he would've gotten someone else to get him to contracts.

Riku: yeah. This place is strong with darkness. We should be careful.

The six enter the building. For the most part, it was your typical casino with different slot machines, tables, and food buffets. They walked through the people until they arrived to see King-Dice waiting for them.

King-Dice: well lookee here! You actually pulled if off...but you've made me lose a bet. And for that, you ain't seein' the boss just yet. We're gonna play a little game first!

Sora: bring it, block head!

They're then transported to a massive table where they see a gamble board, and soon King-Dice comes out bigger than before.

King-Dice: rules are simple; survive to the end of the game, and you'll all win. Loose, and you're dead.

He then create a pink die and they parry it. It lands and moves to a slot. After it lands, they find themselves transported to a different place. There, they were face to face with poker chips of different colors and with faces and hats.

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