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The scene first shows a clock tower above the train station before going to the gang. A while back, Sora, Donald, and Goofy were put into deep sleep when they had lost their memories. When they awoke, they found themselves in Twilight Town, one of the many worlds that resides in the realm of dawn. And, this is also, in a way, home to Roxas and Naminé.

Sora: I've missed this place. Looks like they've made some changes while we were gone.

Arcturus: probably. It does look nice, though.

Goofy: do you fellas think what Pete said could be bad?

Donald: the black box?

Sora: come on, we're talking about Pete. It's probably no big deal.

Arcturus: I don't know, Sora. If Maleficent told him to shut up about it, something must be up. Either way, we shouldn't let our guard down.

They found the plaza area where a train car passed by.

Sora: oh, cool! The trans are still here!

Donald: Sora, it hasn't been that long.

Sora: feels like it.

Goofy: maybe you're feeling what Roxas feels 'cause he misses home.

Arcturus: that'd make sense.

Sora: now that you mention it, I ran into Roxas in the Sleeping Worlds. It was like seeing into his heart for the first time.

Donald: and he was in the datascape, too.

Goofy: uh-huh. It was a test to see if your data version was ready to face the hurt that ya carry inside.

Sora: was I ready? (Looks at his hands) I do know hurt. (Short pause) when I lost Riku and Kairi, (closes hands) and later when I lost the Keyblade, and you guys had to go on without me like that... Having no one to turn to was the worst kind of hurt. But that just shows how much you mean to me. Carrying around a little hurt can't be all that bad. Hurting is part of caring.

Arcturus: that's true. It's one of the things that makes us human. And, in a way, we all have our own versions of hurting.

He then remembers moments that brought hurt to him; Chelsea's death, Richard's death, Ruby and her friends becoming monsters and her almost dying. It was those moments that almost made him loose himself to darkness, but was soon pulled out. His flashback was interrupted by old enemies spawning.

Goofy: (gets in a stance) Nobodies!

Everyone gets their weapons ready and they attack. During the fight, Sora even tried out his new Keyblade that turned into a shield and later turned into a chariot. A little bit later, the enemies were gone and they got a chance to catch their breath.

Arcturus: (notices Sora's thoughtful expression) you ok, buddy?

Sora: hmm...What was that voice? I know I heard it.

Donald: I didn't hear it.

Goofy: you sure it wasn't the wind? Or something else?

Arcturus: what did the voice say?

Sora: it said "do you seek our liege?"

Arcturus: (thinks a bit) that is odd.

Clara: maybe it was the Nobodies. I mean, it can't be a coincidence that they showed up after while we're looking for a way to bring Roxas back. And, he was in Organization 13. Maybe they want him back?

Sora: you might be right, Clara.

???: where'd they come from?!

???: get the ice cream later!

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