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The scene picks up where we left off. Arcturus, Riku and Axel were on edge against the four members of the Organization.

Axel: well, I guess this was inevitable. (Looks at No.i) who's the plus-one?

Xemnas: inevitable indeed. And this "guest" of ours has an old score to settle with you. You are a traitor of darkness, as it is of light.

Axel: well, guess I can live with that.

Xemnas: (gestures to No.i) it is a being of whom we have no memories. A true Nobody, hailing from the edge of oblivion.

Saix: the being before you was recreated from the records that were left you Vexen, and the many experiments performed by Young Xehanort and Cronos. It also serves as the predecessor for Azrael, the most superior replica of them all.

Xemnas: it was erased from all memories, and it harbors absolutely no knowledge of who it really is. Even I have forgotten it's existence. But like the others, I could not recall why. Truly, the perfect pawn created for this very battle.

Axel: (scoffs) so, who is it?

Azrael: like we said, a true Nobody, and my predecessor. (Looks at Arc) nice to see you, speedy.

Arcturus: so, you remember me? How nice of you. Though, what's with the mask?

Azrael: wanted to try something new. Plus, adds to the trio I'm in. Although, you brought in a princess of heart into our little fight. Either your desperate, or stupid.

Axel: if I'm a traitor, then I guess Kairi's our trump card.

Azrael: really? Then where is this so called "trump card?"

Riku: this fight's between us.

Saix: so it's not desperation I see in any of you. It's foolishness...and lunacy.

Arcturus: says the guy who has a psychopath and four of the most dangerous beings on your side.

Xemnas: without the battle between the seven lights and thirteen darknesses, Kingdom Hearts requires the seven hearts. Our original plan was to destroy you all and claim your hearts. But Cronos then pointed out, why limit ourselves, when we can expand? That is why the Horsemen have joined us, and will be your downfall. Are all of you truly foolish enough to believe you can defeat us?

Axel: (angered) what do you think!?

Saix: I think you'll lose, Axel.

Axel: yeah right!

No.i: ...Axel.

Saix was surprised by this and turns to look at her. They couldn't tell because of the mask, but Azrael was suspicious.

Azrael: you spoke.

Xemnas: no matter. The being cannot be defeated by their hands.

Axel: (summons chakrams) wanna bet!

He throws them at No.i, but surprisingly to everyone, she summon the Two Become One Keyblade and deflects them back at Axel. He catches them and they merge back into his Keyblade.

Axel: (looks at the blade) wait... That Keyblade...

Riku: it's one of Sora's.

Axel: are you—is that you, Roxas?

No.i: ...Roxas.

Arcturus: (realizes who it is) it's not Roxas. But, she is a friend.

Riku: she?

Arcturus: (steps forward) we're on the same side. We're your friends.

No.i: (holds her head) Roxas... Axel...

The Sapphire Speedster Trilogy (KH OC Stories)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora