Chapter 8: A TOY'S TRUE HEART (TOY BOX) part 2

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The scene resumes with Sora and Arc. The two were now trapped in Verum Rex, and in order to escape back to their friends, they need to destroy the enemies and defeat the boss. They used various Gigases to attack, as well as destroying the environment such as the glass floor, the electric floor underneath, and attacking explosive containers. They kept going until they made it to the boss, the gold Gigas. They fought it for a bit, and when they won, Sora received a prize: the Pixel Heartbinder.

 They fought it for a bit, and when they won, Sora received a prize: the Pixel Heartbinder

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Sora: yes! We won!

Arcturus: and you got a new power, too. Let's get outta here.

They jumped out of the screen and landed right back in the video game store.

Donald and Goofy: Sora! Arc!

Woody: y'all right, guys?

Sora: yeah, we're fine.

Arcturus: we've been through worse. (Sees their sad expressions and Buzzmissing) what happened to Buzz?

Goofy: he disappeared into a dark corridor.

Arcturus: and Xehanort?

Donald: he teleported away, too.

Sora: oh...

Woody: Sora, Arc, how do we get him back?

Sora: I don't know. Our powers can't open those.

They seemed lost of what to do, when Sarge and his men came to them.

Sarge: sir, did I hear you say "dark corridor"?

Woody: that's right, Sarge. Any ideas?

Sarge: well, it might be a long shot, but we've sighted a shadowy portal in the Kid Korral. We can infiltrate from a windo inside Babies and Toddlers. I'll head there and get it open.

Woody: (smiles) Sarge, you're a lifesaver! (Turns to the others) you guys in?

Everyone: yeah!

Rex: please promise you'll bring Buzz home.

Hamm: with batteries included?

Aliens: journey safely.

Woody: don't worry. We're gonna get our friend back.

Arcturus: (smiles) yeah. We always accomplish our mission.

The gang then headed over to Kid Korral. They managed to get inside, but their way was blocked off. Clara then informed them that there was some kind of gravity control setting in the Gigas, and Sora was able to pilot one to move the blocks out of the way.

Arcturus: we're in! Ok Clara, can you see where the corridor is?

Clara: one moment. (Scans) bingo! It's located inside a vent all the way up on the wall. Unfortunately, it's too steep for you and Sora to run up.

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