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The scene shows the Final World where Kairi was. To her, she didn't know how long it was. However, she knew she couldn't leave until she found Sora. As she walked, she couldn't help but feel as if there was someone here. Turning around, she is greeted by a man in the black cloak. But not just any man, but the Master of Masters himself.

Kairi: who are you?

Master of Masters: oh my, what do we have here? The princess of heart herself. (Bows and dramatic) your majesty!

Kairi: um, there's no need for that. I'm not actually a princess.

Master of Masters: (straightens up) oh, you haven't unlocked everything, have you? Well, this does complicate things. Then again, you are stranded in the afterlife. I'm afraid we can't have that. I bet Sora would be going for you in a heartbeat.

Kairi: Sora? You know Sora!?

Master of Masters: (gasps) do I? (Laughs) of course I do. Who can't forget that bright shiny grin on his face?

Kairi's Thoughts: this guy is bizarre. I mean, not even Arc can do this weirdness. But still... (speaks) who exactly are you?

Master of Masters: I am the Master of Masters. I'm sure you probably haven't heard of me.

Kairi: (thinks a bit) I have actually. You're the one who made the Foretellers fight each other. The same one who told Lady Ava to make the Dandelions in the first place.

Master of Masters: oh. Well, I guess you have heard of me.

Kairi: why are you here?

Master of Masters: you could say that this is my new world. I understand you're looking for Sora, but I'm afraid you can't find him here.

Kairi: why's that?

Master of Masters: you were looking in your heart. The only thing you'll find are just memories, and those only go so far. Here's a hint—he's not in this reality. But, I can give you somewhat of an idea on what will happen to one world in particular if he's not found. Then again, he's most likely not going to be found. Considering he's always going to wind up getting killed.

Kairi: what?

Before she could ask further, she's suddenly transported somewhere. She looks around to see she's in an alleyway, and suddenly hears explosions and gun shots. Concern, Kairi, walks out to see armies fighting one another. Through them were warriors from different worlds, and even saw the Gigas and giant dragons battling. And, she sees she's in Shibuya.

Kairi just looks around to see so many people scared and terrified as many were caught in the cross fires. She then notices a group of people about to be killed, and was about to intervene when one of the robots screams something.

Gigas: alert! Alert! The Blood Dragon is detected!

Kairi: Blood Dragon?

Gigas: the Blood Dragon is surrounded! Alert the high leader! We have the Blood Dragon!

They start moving and the people used this opportunity to escape. They began shouting "seek, locate, destroy" over and over, until suddenly, a building completely breaks, and orange lightning shoots out, destroying all the Gigases and even killing one of the giant dragons.

Kairi looks back at the wall, and sees the words "Gods Fall" blasted on the wall. This raises so many questions in her mind, but managed to muster up one.

Kairi: what the hell happened?

(Cue My Way by Frank Sinatra)

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