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Picking up where we left off, the gang was making their way through an abandon mining quarry. They fought some heartless, including a mini boss and finding more Lucky Emblems. However, after one of their fights in the cave, everyone was wounded and they needed to restock on potions and recharge MP. Rapunzel then wraps her hair around their injuries and Pascal was smirking.

Flynn: (cringed) why's he looking at us like that?

Arcturus: I think that means wait and see.

Sora: and, how is wrapping your hair around out injuries going to help?

Rapunzel: (finishes) you'll see. Just, please try not to freak out.

Donald: we won't.

Rapunzel: (closes her eyes and sings) Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine. (Hair begins to glow) Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the fate's design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine.

During this, everyone suddenly felt a warm feeling on their wounds and when she stopped singing, the glow faded. Flynn was the first to check his hand and to his surprise; the cut was completely gone. The others checked theirs and saw their wounds were completely healed. Flynn the begins to breath heavily and almost freaks out.

Rapunzel: don't freak out!

Flynn: (freezes and cringes in nervousness) (running all his words together) uh, I'm not freaking out. I'm just very interested in your hair and magical qualities it possesses.

Sora: (deadpanned) good job, Flynn.

Arcturus: still, I've never seen this level of healing magic before.

Goofy: yeah. That was amazing, Rapunzel!

Rapunzel: (smiles) thank you.

Flynn: (still nervous) so... How long has your hair been doing that exactly?

Rapunzel: since I was born, I guess. Mother says when I was a baby, people wanted to keep my power to themselves and tried to cut my hair. But, once it's cuts, it doesn't grow back and looses it's power. (Shows a short brown piece of hair) a gift like that needs to be protected.

Donald: that's why you've been in that tower your whole life. (Rapunzel nods)

Arcturus: well, that explains why it's so long. And, you still want to go back, even after everything you've seen?

Rapunzel: (sighs) it's complicated.

With everything good to go, they decided to continue their way to the kingdom. When they arrived, Rapunzel was excited and the others smile for her.

Sora: Rapunzel sure looks happy.

Donald: she does.

Goofy: well, her dream's gonna come true. They're sendin' the lanterns up after dark.

Sora: cool! We don't wanna miss that!

Arcturus: since we have some time to kill, let's explore the market for a bit.

They then explored and found more lucky emblems, ingredients for Remy, and explored some other activities they have to offer. Arcturus was drawing a landscape of the kingdom and did it in 3D art style, and Rapunzel decided to get her hair braided so people wouldn't step on it. She then notices a mural of the king and queen holding their daughter. As she's looking at it, she suddenly feels a weird sense of familiarity. Especially towards the baby princess. Her thoughts were interrupted by music and the townsfolk begins dancing.

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