Chapter 7: SOULLESS

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The scene starts off with the train continuing down the track until it reaches a small chunk of land with an odd tower. It stops and Arcturus gets off. As soon as he left, the train disappears and so does the track.

Arcturus: guess there's no turning back.

Clara: looks like it. (Beat) Master Yen Sid is at the top of the tower. Let's be careful though. We're about to have company.

Sure enough, the monsters appeared again. And not just outside. As the boy made his way through twists and turns, the monsters were everywhere. Fortunately, Arc used his training and powers to take them out. After the last enemies were gone, he entered the top room.

Narrator (mom): in the room was a man in a blue wizard robe with a starry hat. He's siting in a chair in front of a desk and had a long gray beard. This, is Master Yen Sid.

Arcturus: are you Master Yen Sid.

Yen Sid: (nods yes) you must be Arcturus Farron, son of Lightning Farron. I've been expecting you. I imagine you have many questions?

Arcturus: yes sir. For starters; I was told you know about more of my powers and what those monsters are.

Yen Sid: (scratches his beard and then answers) your powers come from the Speed-Force.

Arcturus: huh?

Yen Sid: the life force of lightning throughout time. While many speedsters hive super speed, the Speed Force gives more abilities than ever imagine. For instance, the ability to throw lightning, create speed mirages, vibrate though objects, and travel though time.

Arcturus: I can do all of that?!

Yen Sid: yes, but it takes time to learn these traits. However, there are some rules you must learn first. The Speed-Force is divided into two embodiments; Positive Speed-Force, and Negative Speed-Force. Positive is granted to those entrusted to use their gifts to help others and keep order in time. Negative feeds on dark emotions and corrupts minds into evil personas.

Arcturus: So, the Positive side wants me to protect time?

Yen Sid: correct. And, there are also creatures from the Speed-Force that punish those who alter the timeline too much. These, are the Time Wraiths. And, where your journey will take you, you must be extra careful.

Arcturus: (nods) I'll do my best. (Beat) what about the monsters?

Narrator (mom): Rather than answering, the wizard waves his hand and imagines of the Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed and Dreameaters appeared.

Yen Sid: tell me, what do you know about these beings you see before you?

Arcturus: well, the heartless come from the darkness in people's hearts. Then a nobody is created from that. The unversed feed from negativity and are from a being of darkness. And, the Dreameaters are friends, but if the feed on bad dreams, they become Nightmares.

Yen Sid: your A.I. has given you good information. But, what happens to the soul?

Arcturus: the soul?

The images disappear and replace with the gray monster.

Yen Sid: when both heart and body are lost, the soul enters the Astral-plane, the Realm of Spirits. There, they have two options; ascend into a new world and new life, or remain until their unfinished business is finished. However, if it cannot be done or they remain too long, they become aggressive and vengeful. They change form and loose everything about them, including their identity, their memory, and their sanity. (Beat) they rarely appear and are less known in our realm. For you see... Soulless are the ones left behind.

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