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The scene shows Arc and Ruby in the library. It was one of the rare moments that the group would relax, so while the others did their own thing, Arc and Ruby decided to go to the library to do some reading. Well, more specifically, Arc was reading and Ruby was taking a nap while cuddling up with him.

Arcturus's Thoughts: now this is nice. Spending time with my beautiful girlfriend, catching up on a good book, and not having to worry about any dark monsters for a bit. If I wasn't working on this exam while trying to find Sora in another universe, I'd spend more days like this.

They just enjoyed their time together, when suddenly, something enters in screaming and laughing. It freaks them out and causes Ruby to wake up while Arc jumps up, still holding her, and gets his blade out.

Arcturus: what the—?

Ruby: is that a Soulless?

They see it was indeed one. But, instead of attacking them, it jumps around and goes around the library still laughing. It flies around until it goes into one particular book.

 It flies around until it goes into one particular book

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Arcturus: okay, that happened.

Soon, the rest of the group was together and they looked at the book.

Yang: so, a Soulless jumped out of nowhere, appeared in the room, and went into this book?

Arcturus: just about. Not sure why, though. I don't even remember what this book was.

Blake: how do you not know what it is?

Arcturus: have you seen the size of this room? Just because I have a good memory, doesn't mean I can exactly remember every single book that's put into this place.

Clara: which surprises me because you have an excellent memory. (Scans the book) okay, there's no signs of damage on the outside, but, there's something else about the book that's different. Let me see something.

She pulls up the scan of the book, and pulls out another one that was of the Winnie the Pooh story book.

Clara: yes! The scans are exactly the same.

Weiss: hold on. Are you saying that there's an entire world inside this book?

Arcturus: that seems to be it. (Opens it and looks through the pages) though, most of it doesn't make sense. It's filled with various stories of monsters, talking animals, and apparently candy people.

Ruby: you do realize that's no different from our lives, right?

Arcturus: I know, but there's at least some sense with us.

They set the book down, and began looking at some other stuff to see what happened.

Ruby: how did that Soulless even get in here? I thought no monsters could get in here.

Arcturus: they shouldn't. These ships are built with defenses to keep them out. Which means, either someone purposely lowered them down inside the ship, or someone from the outside somehow hacked the system.

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