Chapter 48: THE CYCLE ENDS HERE (MIDGARD part 2)

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The scene picks up where we left off. The group from Helheim explained what happened and how they have an idea on what to do to find this path. Kratos then takes a book out from Tyr's library and shows a picture to Brok.

Kratos: can you make it?

Brok: is it a weapon? Armour? Or likewise an instrument of war of which I'm a master at shapin'? No? Then forget it. Even if I wanted to make such an insignificant gewgaw, I'm liable to chink my tools working on something so delicate and ladylike.

Sindri: (enters) the shingle it. Pattern weld the item with skap slag. Keep the layers thin, alternate the overlay.

Brok: okay, smart guy. And where d'ya propose to find a lump of quality skap slag? Last time I saw one, I could still get rigid down south.

Sindri pulls out a crystal like object form his bottomless bag.

Brok: shut your mouth. Is that...? Where did you...?

Sindri: I had to get my hands dirty. (Gags)

Brok: (laughter) well, don't just stand there-- let's do this!

Sindri: what? You? You're fine with working on something that's not a weapon?

Brok: ah hell... why not? What? I can grow too...

The two then got to work and the other except Atreus just watch with smiles.

Sindri: oh, watch the spine. Keep your wrist loose.

Brok: YOU keep your wrist loose. I need more heat here!

Sindri: coming up. You going to temper that steel longer?

Brok: I don't need to-- I triple-quenched it with Draugr oil. See?

Sindri: oh, how inventive. And sanitary! You clever little beaver! Never too late to learn a new trick, is it?

Brok: no, it's not!

Sindri: here it is!

Brok: nope! Don't forget this!

They put their brands together and put it on the ready-made key. They then hand it to Kratos and took notice of the others.

Brok: oh quit yer grinning. It's downright unsettlin' hrmm.

Atreus: It's just nice to see you together. But... now the rune on your brand looks different.

Broke: Yeah, price of uh... reforging something what broke.

Atreus: I knew it. You two love each other.

Brok: Oh, cut it out, princess. You're gonna get me all weepy.

Sindri: I like the new one better, don't you?

Kratos: we have work to do.

Atreus: now we just need to figure out what door this key opens. It has to be somewhere around the temple...

Riku: let's head outside and see what we can see.

With their key, they went outside the room and started looking around the bridge. They then found a door with Tyr's rune and inserted the key into it, unlocking the door and leading to the realm room, but something was wrong.

Roxas: how did we get on the ceiling?

Naminé: this must led to Tyr's clue.

Kratos: (looks up) up there. Týr used the same magic to protect the Black Rune. The clue we seek may be inside.

Atreus: huh-- Right next to the Jötunheim door!

Mimir: interesting... but can you reach it?

Kratos: not from here.

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