I'm Autistic Too

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Harry is known at his school as the "Weird Autistic Kid" and is bullied for it, Louis is new to the school and is Autistic too, but doesn't show it as much as Harry according to the people at his new school where they don't know that he's autistic. They meet one day in the library and Harry is scared that Louis will bully him too until he finds out that Louis is autistic too.

I hope you guys enjoy this was a request by @copyofacopyofacopy13 I hope you like it!

TW and other notes: Fluff, Autistic Harry, Autistic Louis, Bullying, Sad Fluff, Fetus Larry, Homophobic Slur(s), Ableism,



Harry covered his ears, the classroom becoming too loud for him to handle, the teacher had left the classroom to talk to another student. Max, one of his bullies decided to clap his hands behind the green-eyed boy's head making him jump as tears stung his eyes.

Luckily, the teacher came back in and noticed what was happening, "Max! Office now!" she told him sternly before crouching down next to Harry. "Do you need to leave, Harry?" she asked softly, the boy nodded, "Library?" she asked, and Harry gave her another nod.

"I'll let your next teacher know, grab your things, and if you want to come back later you can," Harry nodded softly before quickly grabbing the pass and his things before leaving the classroom. He quickly ran to the library and handed the librarian his pass before walking over to the back corner where there was a cozy reading corner and a bench with a window.

When he got there he saw a blue-eyed boy sitting on the bench, he ignored the other boy and sat down in the cozy corner. The blue-eyed boy quickly noticed Harry and closed his book, "Hey, are you alright?" he asked the curly-headed boy, noticing the tears in his eyes and on his cheeks. Harry shook his head softly, Louis sat down in front of him, "I'm Louis," he said a bit too loudly for Harry's liking, "Y-You're too l-loud," he murmured, Louis frowned softly. 

"Sorry, love," he said a bit softer, "What's wrong?" Harry sniffled, "T-Too loud, a-and I c-can't think, too o-overstimulated," he told the blue-eyed boy with his hands back over his ears. Louis held his hands out, "Do you wanna take some deep breaths with me?" he whispered, "O-Okay," he murmured, gently placing his hands in Louis.

"In through your nose... Out through your mouth," he told him quietly, Louis and Harry took a few deep breaths together before Harry started calming down. "What's your name?" Harry looked up at him, "Harry," the blue-eyed boy smiled at him, "It's nice to meet you," the slightly smaller of the two smiled a small smile. "A-Are you new?" the green-eyed boy asked, "Is it that obvious?" he chuckled softly, "S-Sorry," he replied, Louis squeezed his hands gently, "It's alright, love, I was joking, yes, I'm new,"

"Oh, okay, I-I didn't know," Louis lifted his chin, "It's okay," Harry sniffled, "I-I just don't really understand when people are joking, or being sarcastic, I'm autistic and my brain just doesn't understand that, p-people think I'm stupid and weird for it," he mumbled. Louis smiled at him, "D-Do you care that I'm autistic?" Louis shook his head, "No, I'm autistic too, love, it's okay, and you're not stupid or weird, you just don't think the same as other people, and that's okay,"

Harry smiled, "Thanks for helping me," Louis smiled at him, "Of course, love," Harry couldn't help but smile even bigger. "What's your next class?" the blue-eyed boy looked at his schedule, "English with Ms. Rose," the smaller got even more excited, "We have the same class!" he squealed. 


When they got to their next class Louis sat next to Harry since he sat in the back and no one wanted to sit with him and he didn't want the green-eyed boy to feel lonely...

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