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So I thought of this while listening to Cinema...

Basically, Harry is into Louis, but he can tell if Louis feels the same way because some days he's flirty, and other days he won't flirt with the green-eyed boy. Louis is the more popular one of the two but they've been best friends since they were little kids. Harry is more of the nerdy type and Louis is a jock who likes to play footie.

TW and other notes: Smut, Fluff, Fetus Larry, High School AU, Praise Kink, First Time(for Louis), Bottom!Harry, Top!Louis, Pain Kink, Spanking



Louis came up behind Harry and wrapped his arms around his waist, "Hi Haz," Harry jumped slightly before giggling, "H-Hi, Lou," Louis chuckled before letting go of the younger. "Sorry for scaring you, love, are you excited for music class?" Harry nodded with light pink cheeks, "Yeah, are you?" Louis nodded with a smile.


Once school was over they started walking to Louis' house, "What do you wanna do when we get to my place?" Harry smiled at him, "Video games?" he asked, "Of course,"

Once they were in Louis' room Harry kicked off his shoes and sat on Louis' bed, Louis did the same, "Marcus didn't do anything today, did he?" Harry bit his lip. "He did a little bit," Louis laid down and pulled Harry with him, he gently combed his fingers through his hair, "What did he do, love?" 

"H-He called me the 'f' slur," Louis hugged him tight, "I'm sorry, love, are you okay?" Harry gave him a nod, "Yeah, I'll be okay," he murmured. Louis continued to comb his fingers through the boy's hair, "What do you wanna do, darling? Do you still wanna play video games?" he asked. "Can we stay like this for a while? I'm comfy," Louis chuckled softly, "Of course, Haz,"


1 week later...

Harry was just about to go home, "Haz! You're coming to the footie game tonight, right?" he asked as he ran up to the boy who was standing at his locker. "Of course, wouldn't miss it,"  Louis smiled, "Gotta stay for practice, see you later, love," Harry smiled back at him, "Bye, Lou,"


Once the game was over Harry waited by Louis' car to congratulate him for scoring the winning goal...

After about ten more minutes Louis was finally walking toward his car, once he was a few feet away Harry ran up to him and hugged him. "Congratulations on scoring the winning goal, Lou!" Louis gave him a tired smile, "Thanks," Harry pulled away from the hug. "You okay, Lou?" the blue-eyed boy nodded, "Yeah, why?" 

"You just seem a bit off," the younger said softly, "I'm tired, okay? I just finished a footie game, what do you expect? You want me to be all energized?" Harry looked away, "Sorry," he turned around and walked to his mom's car.


Next day...

It was Saturday morning and Harry had just woken up to a knock on his bedroom door, he got up and opened it with tired, sad eyes. Louis was standing on the other side with an apologetic look on his face, "What, Lou?" Louis grabbed his hand gently and pulled the boy back over to his bed, "Wanted to apologize for being an asshole yesterday,"

They sat on the bed, Louis still holding his hand, "I'm sorry I snapped at you yesterday after the game, I didn't mean to, I-... Can I be honest with you?" Harry nodded softly. "I'm very confused about who I am," Harry leaned his head on Louis' shoulder, "What do you mean?" Louis took in a deep breath, "I don't think I'm straight, but I don't know what I am and the footie team keeps teasing me and calling me gay and they were doing it last night after the game, and I'm just really stressed about it," 

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