Help My Daughter

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Harry and Louis are looking to adopt a baby; they're at the hospital looking at all the newborns that are being put up for adoption. A teen mom was in the room saying her final goodbye to her little girl because she couldn't take care of her. Will Harry and Louis adopt her?

I just randomly thought of this IDK how long this is going to be, but I hope you like it



Harry and Louis were being escorted to a room with all the new babies being put up for adoption, The green-eyed man grabbed the smaller's hand and laced their fingers together. "Alright, before you touch any of the babies we do require you to sanitize your hands," the nurse said, they nodded and put some hand sanitizer on their hands from the dispenser before the nurse opened the door for them.

The nurse left them in the room to look at the babies and decide which one they would like to take home, there was another person in the room, a young teenage girl who was crying with a baby in her arms. Louis looked at Harry with concern and a 'we should go over there' look, Harry nodded, and they both walked to the girl.

The teenager looked up at them as they approached her, "Please, h-help my daughter, I don't want her to go in t-to the foster care system," she asked them, almost begging. Louis and Harry both pulled up a chair in front of her, "P-Please," she cried, "Hey, it's going to be okay... How old are you?" the green-eyed man asked her softly, " I-I'm sixteen a-almost seventeen... I-I want to keep h-her but I-I can't, I-I don't have t-the money," she explained.

Louis gently grabbed her hand and looked at Harry, who nodded, "We're gonna help you," The girl looked up at them, "R-Really?" The couple nodded. "Yes, and you can come and see her whenever you want," Harry told her, "T-T-Thank you," she sobbed, and they both gave her soft smiles.

"C-Can I hug you g-guys?" she asked through her tears, Harry and Louis held open their arms and waved her over, "Thank y-you so much," Harry smiled and hugged her a bit tighter. When they pulled away, the girl wiped her eyes, "What's your name?" Louis asked, "Lilly," Louis smiled at her, "I'm Louis, and this is my husband Harry," Harry smiled at her.

"What's her name?" Lilly looked down at her daughter, "She doesn't have one, since I'm giving her up, I can't pick the name," Louis silently asked if he could hold her, she nodded and handed the baby to him. "Go ahead and pick the name, she's still your daughter, and we promise that whenever you are able to afford to take care of her, she can come live with you and we can go to the courthouse and let you take custody of her,"  the green-eyed man told her.

"Thank you so much for helping me," Harry smiled at her, "Of course, now what would you like to name her?" Lilly smiled at her baby, "Makayla Eve Hope," Louis smiled softly, "That's a wonderful name," he told her. Louis handed the baby back to Lilly, "We're gonna sign the paperwork and then we'll be back," she nodded, "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me,"

She stood up and hugged them again, Harry and Louis exchanged their numbers with Lilly before going to sign the paperwork...


After about thirty minutes the couple came back into the room with a baby carrier, Lilly kissed her baby's forehead, "You can come and visit her any time you want, okay, don't hesitate to ask if you can see her, we will always say yes," Lilly smiled with tears in her eyes, "Thank you so much,"

"Of course," Lilly hugged them again, and they gladly hugged her back. After a moment, Lilly started putting her in the carrier. Tears were falling down her cheeks as she did so. Harry knelt down next to her, "Hey if you're not ready to say goodbye, you can have more time with her, we're not going to rush you, we know how hard this is for you,"

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