I'm Not Here To Make Friends🔥

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Basically, Harry and Louis meet at a club one night, and they both have the same intentions

I thought of this when listening to a Sam Smith song "I'm Not Here To Make Friends"

TW and other notes: Oral Sex, Blowjob, alcohol, Top!Harry, Bottom!Louis, Fem!Louis, Praise Kink, Daddy Kink



Louis had just gotten to the club with one thing on his mind, finding a lover. You see, Louis has been lonely and he wants someone he can cuddle with, someone to laugh with, and maybe someone that can cook, but that would just be a bonus. He looked around the dance floor, sadly not seeing anyone who was his type, so he went to the bar.

He loved the outfit he had on tonight, he was a short skirt that barely passed his bum it was black and a little flowy, and he had a plaid crop top that showed off his tanned skin that he coated in a shimmery gold body oil. He was a regular at this club so when he came to the bar he saw his favorite bartender, "Niall," he shouted over the music and got his attention.

"Oi, haven't seen you in a while, the usual?" Louis nodded, "One Vodka tonic coming right up," there was a man on the other end of the bar staring at Louis, making him blush and look down at the table. When he looked back up the man wasn't there anymore, Niall walked over with his drink, "Put him on my tab," Louis jumped slightly when he heard the slow deep voice. 

Louis turned his head to see the man standing next to him he was tall, had beautiful green eyes that were slightly glazed over, and pretty curly hair that just passed his shoulders. The green-eyed man sat next to him making him blush and look down, Louis felt the man's fingers on his chin before gently pushing his head up.

"Don't be shy, sweetheart," Louis giggled, "I'm Harry," the man smiled at the smaller, "I'm Louis," he blushed softly, "Would you like to dance?" Louis nodded with another giggle and let Harry pull him to his feet. Harry held tightly onto his hand making sure that he didn't lose the smaller in the crowd as he pulled him toward the center of the dance floor.

Louis quickly drank his drink before setting it down, Harry looked at him with a bit of shock since he didn't gag at the strong alcohol. Louis got up on his tippy toes, "That's not the only thing I can put back without gagging," he told him, Harry groaned softly, making Louis giggle. 

"Such a slutty mouth," Harry told him as he grabbed the smaller's hips, Louis giggled again before turning around in Harry's grip and grinding against his crotch. "Fucking hell," Harry turned him around and pulled him into a bruising kiss, making him whimper into his mouth, "How about another drink, sweetheart?" Louis blushed and nodded.

Once they were back at the bar, Niall gave them another drink, "Wanna come around to mine tonight, sweetheart?" Louis gave him another nod with bright red cheeks. "Close the tab, mate," he called at Niall, who nodded, Harry placed his hand on Louis' upper thigh, making him bite his lip to hold back a whimper.

Harry's hand moved further until he got to Louis growing bulge, he chuckled and leaned next to his ear, "Patience, doll, I'm gonna take care of you after we get out of here," he whispered, making the smaller whimper. Niall handed Harry the check and glanced at Louis, who nodded, making Niall nod back.

After Harry paid for their drink he grabbed Louis' hand and started pulling him toward the exit, Louis felt a slap on his ass and immediately yelped before turning and throwing a punch. He ended up punching a man who was probably in his forties directly in his nose, Harry turned around and held onto Louis, "What happened?!"

"That guy just slapped my ass!" Louis told him, Harry kissed his cheek, "I thought you were a worker!" the man shouted angrily. "Well, he's not so back the fuck off, he's with me," Harry told the man, "Come on, darling," he told him as he guided Louis along with his arm around the smaller's waist.

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