Little Sunflower

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N/A: Okay so this is a request by @just-harrys-lou3 and I hope you guys like it. As always, I'm open to requests just DM me or post a comment. There is a little bit bigger age gap so Harry is 17 and Louis is 21, and in this, we're just going to pretend that Louis knows how to cook. Also, Louis is used to taking care of littles, and people being littles is a normal thing in this world.

TW: Abuse(Verbal/Physical)
SA/R@pe (IDK if what I'm writing would count but I wanted to put it on here just in case)
Panic Attack


"Go on get out of here you embarrassing baby, nobody wants you!" Harry's father screamed at him as he kicked the boy out of the house. His father was sick and tired of Harry acting like a baby, he was always yelling at him to come out of it but that constantly pushed the green-eyed boy further into his headspace. 

A bag of stuff was thrown at him along with his stuffed bear that Harry named Beary, Harry sat on the ground with his knees tucked to his chest. "I said get out of here, boy!" his father yelled as he walked closer, when Harry didn't move his father raised his hand, and moments later a harsh slap came to Harry's face. Harry cowered back in fear grabbing his stuff and running off as tears streamed down his face, he ran until he didn't know where he was.

Harry held onto his stuffed bear and sat down outside a small book store, too scared to ask for help he sat there with his thumb in his mouth and his bear tucked under his arm. His knees were tucked into his chest as he continued to cry quietly. He sat there until the sky was becoming dark, no one paid any attention to him, and he was still crying as he rocked himself back and forth.

Eventually, it started to rain, and Harry was getting soaked. The boy was shivering as he sat there in the dark, he checked his bag, there was one pair of clothes and a beanie. He put the beanie over his wet curls and sat there hoping someone would help him.


After a few hours, Harry felt a light tap on his shoulder, he looked up and saw a man with blue eyes looking down at him. "N-No hurt p-pwease," the man frowned, "I'm not going to hurt you I promise. What's your name, love?" Harry looked at him with watery eyes, "Hawwy," the man smiled softly at him, "Hi, Harry, my name is Louis," 

Harry held his stuffed bear tighter, "What's your stuffy's name," he asked. "Beary," Louis smiled at him, "That's a cute name, are you and Beary hungry?" Harry nodded, "C-Cold," Louis frowned, "Come on, let's get you someplace warm and I'll make you something to eat, okay?" Harry nodded, Louis, held out his hand letting Harry take it before pulling him up.

"Oh, love, you're soaking wet, you must be freezing," he said as he quickly guided the boy to his car, once Harry was in the passenger's seat, Louis promptly went over to the driver's side, starting the car and turning the heat up. "How old are you Harry?" Louis asked he knew he could possibly get a different answer than how old the boy actually is, he knew that Harry was in a headspace and he didn't know when he would come out of it.

Harry held up four fingers "You're four?" Harry nodded, and Louis nodded as well, so when he's in his headspace his four now Louis just has to figure out how old the boy is when he's not a little. "Harry, what's your favorite food?" Harry smiled softly "Gwill Cheese," Louis nodded, "When we get back to my place, I'll make you a grilled cheese," the boy squealed and clapped his hands.


Once they were back at Louis' place, Louis showed him to the bathroom so he could change his clothes. Louis went back downstairs and started making Harry his grilled cheese, right when he was about to put the sandwich in the pan he heard a loud crash from upstairs. He put the sandwich down and quickly ran up the stairs, he opened the bathroom door to find Harry crying on the bathroom floor.

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