Two Weeks

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Okay, so this is the first chapter of my new story called "Two Weeks" I hope you enjoy and if you do there are a few more chapters and there will be more to come!!!

Harry and Louis broke up before the 1D Hiatus, and haven't talked in years...
Now it's 2020 and Louis needs a place to stay in LA, and Harry is the only person that comes to mind. Harry of course still loves him and lets him stay at his house, will Louis reciprocate those feelings or will he leave Harry again? Will two weeks be enough time to reveal their love or will it not be enough?



Louis had just woken up by pounding on his hotel room door, "Bloody hell, what?!" he shouted with his eyes half closed, "Sir, you need to find a different hotel, this one is shutting down today because of the virus," Louis groaned. "Alright, alright, I'll be out in ten," he mumbled as he got off of the bed with a small grunt.

After a minute, he realized he didn't really know anyone around here enough to live with them, except one person. Harry. They haven't talked in five years since they broke up before the hiatus, why would Harry help him? He didn't really have a choice so he decided to call him, hoping that the green-eyed man didn't change his number...

H: "Hello?"

L: "Hi Harry,"

H: "Louis? What are you calling me for?"

L: "I know we haven't talked in ages but I didn't know who else to call,"

H: "Alright, what did you call me for then?"

L: "Um, well... you've obviously heard about everything shutting down because of the virus and I'm in LA and I can't get back home for at least two weeks..." Louis paused.

H: "Go on..."

L: "I need a place to stay, and I was wondering if you could I don't know, maybe, possibly let me crash at your house for two weeks?"

L: "You can totally say no, you don't have to, I mean-"

Harry cut him off...

H: "Can't have you sleeping on the streets now can I?"

L: "So is that yes?"

H: "It's a yes,"

L: "Thank you so much, I'll be there in about two hours, is that okay?"

H: "That's fine,"

L: "Okay, bye, Haz,"

H: "Bye, Lou,"


Harry hung up the phone, his stomach was swirling with butterflies, he was extremely happy and excited to talk to Louis again. Even after five years he still had feelings for him. He quickly scrambled off of his couch and ran upstairs to take a shower and change.


After about twenty minutes, Harry rushed back down the stairs and started cleaning the entire house running from room to room and cleaning up anything that he thought looked messy. He was a nervous wreck as he continued to clean, thoughts of old times swirling through his head as butterflies continued to make him nauseous in a good way


There was a knock on Harry's door and he was quick to open it, "Hi," Louis said softly with a nervous blush, "H-Hi," Harry gave him a warm smile quickly becoming captivated by Louis' beautiful ocean blue eyes. Harry quickly snapped himself out of his daze before moving to the side and letting the older in, "Thanks again for this, you really didn't have to," Louis said softly, "I know, but I can't have you sleeping on the streets, it's not safe,"

Louis' cheeks darkened a bit, "Thank you," Harry smiled, "Of course, want me to show you to your room?" Louis nodded, "Please," Harry gave him a nod and started walking up the stairs with Louis following close behind. Once they were in the room, Louis turned to him, "Thanks again, I know this must be awkward for you," Harry shook his head, "No, it's alright, You needed a place to stay and I'm not going to leave you on the street,"

A slight blush made it to Louis' cheeks, "I'm about to start lunch, want anything specific?" Louis thought for a moment, "You know for a while I've been dying for some of your mac 'n cheese," the green-eyed man chuckled, "Alright, mac 'n cheese it is then," Louis smiled, "Thank you,"


Harry was putting some mac 'n cheese in two bowls when he heard Louis shout from the top of the stairs, "Harry, can I borrow a hoodie? All of mine are dirty," Harry's heart skipped a beat. "Sure, they're in my closet," he shouted back, "Thanks," he heard before hearing the pattering of Louis' feet going toward Harry's room.

After a minute, the taller heard the pattering of Louis' feet coming down the stairs, once the blue-eyed man walked into the kitchen, he let out a soft giggle. "Look, I'm Harry, and I love Gucci," he said through his giggles, Harry turned around and laughed with Louis. "I don't love Gucci that much," Louis rolled his eyes, "Harry, I was literally just in your closet, almost your entire wardrobe is Gucci,"

Harry chuckled, "Alright, alright, fine, here's your mac 'n cheese," Louis' smile widened as he grabbed the bowl of warm pasta. "Thank you, god, I've been dying for your pasta," Harry chuckled as he grabbed his bowl. "Of course, want to watch the office or something?"

"I was thinking maybe we could catch up, I mean we haven't talked in years, I mean we don't have to-" Harry cut him off, "That sounds nice, I just didn't want to push you, or anything," the blue-eyed man smiled as he nodded softly.

They sat down on Harry's couch, and neither of them started a conversation because neither of them didn't know where to start. The silence was a bit awkward, and Harry didn't like it...

After a few more minutes, the younger spoke up, "Do you like the mac 'n cheese?" Louis nodded, "Yeah, tastes just as good as I remember," Harry smiled "So what have you been up to, how'd you get stuck in LA?"

"I got here for some meetings, management wanted to talk about one of my interviews. In exactly his words I was being 'too gay and flamboyant' and supposedly causing suspicion from fans," he said rolling his eyes as he finished his sentence. "Oh, I'm sorry, I know you don't your management, none of us ever did, and I also never got to say thank you for taking this contract so the rest of us could do our own thing, you didn't have to,"

Louis' cheeks flushed, "Of course, I knew that you all wanted to do your own thing and I wanted to give you that opportunity," Harry smiled, "When does the contract end?" Louis smiled, "In a few months, but I'm trying to find a way to get out of it sooner,"

"Well, I hope it all works for you, you deserve it," the older smiled with pink cheeks, "Thanks that means a lot,"


It was almost nine in the evening, and they'd both been talking for hours, "Wanna order pizza and watch a movie?" Harry asked, "Sure, what movie?" Harry gave him a smile, "Grease?" Louis' smile widened as the crinkles by his eyes became more defined. "Of course, I'm gonna say yes to my favorite movie," 

"I'll order the pizza," Louis offered, "Sure," Harry replied as pressed play on the movie. 


Author's Note: Please let me know what you think and if you like it there are a few more chapters already posted!! Please don't forget to comment and vote if you want to -S💙💚

(Word Count: 1235)

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