Boys and Girls? No just Boys

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N/A: Okay so for this one-shot, Harry is going to come out about his sexuality to his friends. They're not famous in this one and they are in high school, and Harry and Louis are not together yet


It was Monday morning and Harry had just arrived at school, he was nervous. He wanted to come out to his friends, he's wanted to for a while but every time he would go to do it he would chicken out. But today he was going to do it, he wasn't going to chicken out.

"Hey, Hazza!" He heard from behind him, knows that voice anywhere, his heart starts beating faster as he turns around "Hi, Lou" he smiled shyly, "Don't just stand there, come give me a hug" Harry giggled, wrapping his arms around Louis' shoulders, while he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

"How was your weekend?" Louis asks as he pulls away from the embrace, Harry smiled, "Good, didn't really do much, you?" Louis shrugged, "Same, just relaxed and play with my little sisters" just as Harry was about to respond the first bell rung, they started walking to their first lesson, chemistry.


N/A: Skipping to the end of the day cause IDK what to write

The bell had just rung signaling the end of the day, Harry was nervous, he still hasn't told his friends yet. They were walking to their usual hang-out spot, it was a little tree house they found a few years ago in the woods. 

Once they got there they brought out the snacks and drinks they had kept up there, Harry played some music, specifically Boys & Girls by He was trying to give a subtle hint before he actually said something. No one really seemed to notice, except Louis, and he wasn't sure if Harry was trying to say something without saying it or if it was just a random song. "Hazza, come with me for a moment?" he asks, Harry nervous shrugged, "Sure," Louis and Harry both leave the tree house. 

They walked a little bit away from the tree house before Louis spoke up again, "Haz, what's with the song choice?" he asks. Harry blushed, "Um... I..." Louis took a step closer, making Harry take in a sharp breath, "What were you gonna say?" he prys, Harry looked down, blushing an even darker shade of red. "I... I'm gay," Louis smiles the biggest smile Harry has ever seen before pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. Harry lost his balance a bit and backed up into a tree, Louis and Harry look up at each other, blue eyes meeting green ones. "I'm so proud of you!" 

Harry giggles, "Really? you're not mad or anything?" Louis shook his head, "If I was mad, I would be a hypocrite" Harry's mouth dropped open, "Wait you're gay too?!" Louis nods with a bright red face and a smile on his face. Harry jumped into Louis' arms, wrapping his legs around his waist and buried his face into Louis' neck.

"Harry?" Harry moved his head out of Louis' neck, "Yeah?" Louis looked into Harry's eyes, "Kiss me... please" Harry looked at his face, letting his eyes slowly trail down to his lips. He put his hand on the side of Louis' face, leaning in, making their noses touch. Louis leaned up closing the gap between them and connecting their lips, Harry smiled into the kiss.

Liam, Niall, and Zayn were all looking at them from the tree house, when they kissed, they all high-fived each other. 

"My ship has sailed!" Niall shouts as he puts his fist up in the air.

Harry and Louis pull away laughing, they look up at Liam, Niall, and Zayn cheering and high-fiving. He and Louis start laughing as Harry buries his head back into Louis' neck, Louis put Harry back down on the ground and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist.


After a while, Harry went back to Louis' house, "Hazza, wanna cuddle?" Harry nods "Of course I wanna cuddle" Louis climbs on the bed first, holding his arms out for the younger. Harry climbed on the bed and laid down with his head on Louis' chest, Louis bit his lip, he wanted to kiss Harry again.

Harry looked up at him and smiled a dimpled smile, and then looked away. Louis tilted his head back up, "You're so pretty" he whispered before leaning down and kissing Harry's lips again. Harry blushed and giggled when he pulled away for air, "Harry, do you want to go on a date with me" he smiled and pecked Louis' lips "I would love to, boobear" 


Louis parked his car in Harry's driveway, he turned the car off and got out. He walked to the door knocking on it with a nervous expression on his face as he held a boutique of flowers. Harry opened the door with red cheeks, "Hi, Hazza. You ready to go?" Harry nodded, "Yeah," Louis looked at him, "You okay?" Harry shook his head "I'm just nervous," Louis handed him the flowers and kissed his forehead, "It's okay, you'll be fine, love"

Harry practically melted at the nickname as he hugged Louis, and kissed his cheek. Harry locked the door and they walked over to Louis' car, he opened the passenger's side door for Harry. He blushed and mumbled a thank you, Louis closed the door and walked over to the driver's side, and got in.


"Lou, this is amazing," Harry said as he looked around the tree house, "You really think so?" Harry nodded "I love it," he assured him as he gave him a peck on the lips. Louis smiled and turned on the mini projector before he sat down next to Harry, "Want to watch Pride and Prejudice?" Harry nods "When would I ever turn down my favorite movie?" he giggled, Louis kissed him softly, "You're right, you wouldn't," he said, making Harry laugh loudly.


When the movie was over, Harry was smiling, and Louis didn't pay any attention to the movie he was mostly staring at the younger beside him. Harry looked over at him "What?" Louis let out a soft sigh, "You're just really pretty" Harry's cheeks darkened in color as a bigger smile appeared on his face.

"Be my boyfriend?"

Harry smiled and straddled Louis' hips, "Of course, I'll be your boyfriend, Lou" Harry connected their lips in a soft passionate kiss, they both had huge smiles on their faces as they held each other close as they kissed.


Author's Note: I hope you liked this one-shot, I just randomly thought of it and I didn't expect it to be this long. Please comment and vote if you want to -S💙💚

(Word Count: 1107)

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