Gas Station PT2🔥

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Here's part two! I hope you like it!

TW and other notes: Praise Kink, Fluff, Handjob



1 month later...

"Love, what's wrong?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen, seeing Louis crying, "I-I'm sorry, please don't be mad, I d-didn't mean to," Harry kissed his head. "What happened?" he asked softly, "I-I was t-trying to get a glass and t-they were on the top shelf and I-I couldn't reach so I jumped t-to get one and it s-smashed on the counter, I-I'm s-sorry,"

Harry kissed his forehead, "Lou, it was just an accident, are you hurt, baby?" Louis shook his head, "N-No, I'm s-sorry, Haz," Harry lifted his chin and kissed his nose, "It's okay, love, it was just an accident, you did nothing wrong," he told him as he cradled his cheek. "S-So, I'm not going to g-get p-punished?" Harry shook his head, "No, baby, of course, not. I will never hit you or hurt you in any way, I promise,"

Louis rested his forehead on Harry's chest, "Where's the broken glass?" Louis sniffled, "I-I cleaned it up already," the taller nodded before kissing his hair. "Do you want to cuddle?" Louis nodded, "Sleepy," Harry smiled softly, "Do you want to cuddle on the bed so you can fall asleep if you want to?" Louis gave him another nod, "Just cuddles, right?"

"Of course, remember, we're going to do this at your pace, you tell me when you're ready to take the next step, okay?" Louis nodded, "I'm just scared," Harry kissed the blue-eyed boy's temple, "I know, and I understand... and I promise I will wait for you. If we ever get to that step, when we do, whenever that may be, I promise that we'll go slow, and I promise I'll be gentle,"

The younger nodded, "Thank you for being so kind, you don't know how much it means to me," Harry kissed his forehead before picking him up bridal style. Once they were in his room he set the smaller down on his bed, "Would you like to borrow a hoodie?" 

"Yeah," he murmured with a soft blush, Harry grabbed two hoodies from his closet, putting one on before helping Louis with his. Louis reached his arms out for Harry, making the older chuckle and climb onto the bed next to him.

"Haz?" he murmured sleepily, "Yeah, love?" Louis' cheeks darkened, "What are we?" Harry's heart melted a little at the question. "W-What do you want to be?" he asked as he held Louis a bit tighter, "B-Boyfriends?" Harry smiled and moved down so that he was face to face with the younger.

"Then, Louis, will you be my boyfriend?" Louis smiled and nodded, Harry pressed their foreheads together, "Can I kiss you, my love?" Louis leaned in closer and connected their lips with a smile. "You are so beautiful, baby, and I can't wait to see where this relationship goes... because I don't see myself with anyone else anytime soon,"

Louis smiled and buried his face into the crook of Harry's neck, "Thank you for being here for me, I don't know what I would've done without you," Harry kissed his temple, "Well, it's a good thing you won't ever have to find out,"

The blue-eyed boy smiled and kissed Harry's neck sweetly, "Thank you, Harry, for everything," he murmured before yawning. "Always, baby, always," he whispered, "Sleep well, my love, and when we wake up I'll take you out for dinner or I can make something here and we can have a Disney movie marathon, your choice," 

"Movie marathon," he murmured in a child-like tone, making Harry chuckle, "Alright, baby, get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up, promise," Louis nodded softy. The green-eyed man gently put his arm around the smaller's waist, "Am I okay here?" he asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't making Louis uncomfortable. Louis nodded again, "I trust you," Harry kissed his forehead with a soft smile, "Sleep well, darling,"

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