She Don't Know How Special You Are

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N/A: Okay, so this is 2015 Larry era, but they're not famous


Eleanor cheats on Louis, and this is the 3rd time she's done it, and every time Louis keeps forgiving her. His best friend, Harry, is always there to comfort him even though it kills him to see his best friend and crush/love of his life continue to get hurt when he knows that he could treat the blue-eyed man better.


There was a loud knock on Harry's front door, it was a little past three in the morning. Harry shot up out of bed and went down to the front door, he looked through the peephole to see Louis standing there with a suitcase next to him. He opened the door and Louis immediately crashed his body into Harry's as he let out a sob, "She cheated... again,"

The green-eyed man grabbed the smaller's suitcase and shut the door, "It's going to be okay, Lou," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around Louis. The older buried his face into the crook of Harry's neck, "Why does she keep doing it?" he sobbed.

"Because she does see how special you are, she doesn't see how lucky she is to be with you, she doesn't see how perfect of a boyfriend you are. You don't need her Lou, you need to find someone who sees how perfect, how special, and how beautiful you truly are. You need to find someone who will love you for you and not just want you for sex because all she wants is sex and money, she doesn't love you for you,"

Louis held Harry tighter, "Lou, I want you to be happy, I know you love her, but she doesn't and she keeps making the same mistake by cheating on you, she keeps hurting you and it kills me to see you like this. I want to see you happy, I want to see that smile that I first saw when I met you for the first time. Remember when we met at the little cafe down in London? You had that adorable smile on your face when you took my order, I miss that smile, I want to see your real smile, not that fake smile that you put on for everyone else because I know that that's not your real smile,"

Louis sniffled, Harry kissed the top of his head gently and brought him over to the couch, "Lou, Look at me," he said after he sat them down on the couch. "What happened to that real smile? I haven't seen it in years, I want to see that beautiful smile of yours. I miss it,"

"Haz, I don't know, I don't know what to do anymore, I thought I loved her, and I thought she loved me, but I don't think she ever did," Harry held the older closer, "Do you want some tea, Lou?" Louis nodded, "Please, thanks Hazza, you always know how to make me feel better," Harry got up and walked toward the kitchen.

Harry's dog Lola jumped on the couch and laid her head in Louis' lap, "Hi, Lola," he smiled softly at her as he gently pet her head. Lola snuggled into Louis more, comforting him as he sniffled a bit.

The younger came back a few minutes later with two cups of tea, "Yorkshire tea just how you like it," Louis smiled, "Thank you, Harry," the green-eyed man sat back down next to him, and the older leaned his head on Harry's shoulder. "I don't know what I would do without you," a light blush coated the younger's cheeks, "To be honest, I don't know what I would do without you either,"

Louis turned his head up to look at him, "Really?" Harry nodded and looked at him, "Yeah," he breathed out, their faces were so close the younger could feel Louis' breath on his face. They stayed like that for a moment, Louis eyes traveled across Harry's face.

He looked at Harry's gorgeous green eyes, his cute nose, his perfect jawline, and finally his rosy soft plush-looking lips. The green-eyed man blushed slightly, "Lou, can I try something?" the older nodded slightly, and Harry slightly leaned in, testing the waters.

Louis felt a soft kiss being placed on his lips, but just as quick as it came, it was gone, he fluttered his eyes open to see a nervous Harry with a bright blush. Harry looked at him, there it was, that smile that he's missed for years, he gently placed a hand on Louis' cheek before brushing his thumb over his cheekbone.

"Harry," the younger didn't let him say another word, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I-" Louis didn't let him finish, he connected their lips, kissing him softly. Harry felt sparks go through his body like fireworks, "Louis," he murmured against his lips, he wrapped his arms around Louis' waist, and pulled him closer.

Louis pulled away after a minute, "Don't say sorry, I liked it," he smiled, his real smile, Harry smiled a dimpled smile, "Louis I've had a crush on you for so long, to be honest, I've had a crush on you since that first time I met you in that cafe," Louis smiled and climbed on Harry's lap before hugging him tightly, "I think I've always had feelings for you but I repressed them because I was scared, so I started dating Eleanor, and I would just go back to dating her every time because when I would come over after I found her cheating, those feelings would start bubbling to the surface and I got scared again, but I don't want to push away my feelings anymore, Harry, I really like you,"

The younger cradled his cheeks, "Be my boyfriend?" Louis nodded with a smile, "I'm gonna show you what real love looks and feels like," he whispered, before kissing his forehead, "Lou, I want to tell you something, and I hope this doesn't scare you away... I love you, Lou, I have for a long time and I want to show you what love is supposed to look and feel like,"

Louis' eyes welled with tears, "You've been showing me what real love is like for three years, I just never realized it because I kept repressing my feelings. I want you to know that I love you too, and thank you for being here for me when I needed you most,"

Harry connected their lips, and Louis let a tear roll down his cheek. After a minute, Harry pulled away, "Don't cry, baby," he whispered as he wipe the smaller's tear-stained cheeks. "They're happy tears, I promise," he said with a broken laugh, Harry kissed his forehead, with a soft chuckle.

"How about we go to sleep, I know you're tired," Louis nodded, "Can we cuddle?" Harry smiled, "Of course, love," he stood up and picked up the smaller bridal style and carried him upstairs and to his room. Once he laid Louis down, he laid down next to him and pulled the smaller close to his chest, "I love you, Lou," he whispered, "I love you too, Hazza,"


Author's Note: Hope you like this one-shot, I randomly thought of this while listening to They Don't Know About Us and I wanted to write it. Please comment and vote if you want to -S💙💚

(Word Count: 1215)

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