Silence is Deafening

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N/A: Okay so this is a new story Idea and the title is either going to be "Silence is Deafening" or "The Deafening Sound of Silence"  or "Silence is louder than words" You guys can pick and vote in the comments if you want to or you can give your own ideas. I'm also not sure if this will actually become a full story or not, I literally just thought of this and I usually think of a title and then come up with a story to go with it.


"I'm sorry, Anne, but I have to take this offer. This has been my dream for so long that I can't say no," Anne and Harry's now former translater were talking in front of the front door, "But Harry is already so attached to you," She gave Anne a comforting smile, "I'm sorry, I'll miss him too, but I can't give up this opportunity," Anne sighed, looking over at a sad Harry.

This was the fifth translater that walked out on Anne and Harry, you see Anne is a single mother and Harry is her only son, He's sixteen. You would think leaving a 16-year-old at home alone would be fine, but Harry's different. He's deaf. He was born deaf, he's okay most of the time at home, but not being able to hear makes things difficult for him. He can't go anywhere by himself because he could walk into oncoming traffic because he can't hear the horns or run into people that might try to hurt him.

"Goodbye, Anne," She waved and walked out the door, Anne locked it and turned toward where Harry was. He was on the couch, but now he's gone, he must have gone upstairs. She walked up the steps and to Harry's door which was open, he was laying flat on his back as he was spread out like a starfish. Harry looked to his left when he sensed another person's presents, his cheeks tear-stained.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, motioned Harry to sit up, and he sat up and crisscrossed his legs. Anne started to explain everything to Harry, and soon he was crying again, Anne pulled her son in for a hug. "Can I be alone?" he signed, Anne nods her head, kisses the top of his head, and stands up walking out of the room and back downstairs.


"I don't know what to do, this is the fifth one that's walked out on us. Harry is really upset, once he gets attached they leave," Anne said to her long-time friend Susan on the phone. "I know I feel bad for him, he's such a sweet boy. I might have the perfect person in mind if you think Harry will accept having a new translater," Anne smiled, "Go on, there's no harm in trying," 

"So you know that little boy I used to babysit a while back?" Anne smiled a little wider, "I think so, but what about him?" she questioned "Well he knows sign language and he's always wanted to become a translater for someone," Anne was excited, maybe this one will work. "Alright, bring him over in an hour if you can," she heard a slight chuckle over the phone before she heard a response, "Alright I'll do my best, I'll let you know what I can do,"

After that they both hung up the phone, Anne was excited, but she wasn't sure how Harry would take it. She made her son some cookies before going back up to his room, she sat down on the edge of the bed, making Harry look toward her. "So I might have found a new translater," she signed, Harry frowned, "I don't want another translater, they're just going to leave me like all the others," he signed back.

"Please just give him a shot?" she asked him, "They're a he?" she nodded, "Is that okay?" she sighed back, and he nodded slightly, "I guess," he grabbed a cookie and took a bite out of it. "He'll be here in about an hour," she signed, standing up and walking toward the door. 


The doorbell rang and the lights flashed on and off in all of the rooms, letting Harry also know that someone was at the door. Harry walked down the stairs, he saw his mom talking to one of her friends whom he's met times and times again, but next to her was a boy that he didn't recognize. The boy had soft feathery brown hair that swooped across his forehead, he had a smile on his face and from what Harry could tell, the boy also had blue eyes.

Anne heard her son walking down the stairs, she turned and smiled at Harry. "Harry, this is Louis," she spoke and signed, Harry smiled and blushed nervously, he waved as he looked down at his feet. "Let's leave them alone for a bit to get to know each other," she spoke and signed again, Harry's eyes widened as he slightly shook his head.

Anne pointed Harry to the couch, silently telling him to go sit with Louis and get to know him. Harry bit his lip, he knew he didn't have a choice, he walked over to the couch that Louis was already sitting on and sat on the opposite side away from the blue-eyed boy. Louis could tell he was shy and nervous, he slowly moved closer to the boy. Harry was looking down at his feet so Louis gently tapped his shoulder, Harry turned to look at Louis, who had a soft smile on his face.

"Hi, I'm Louis" he signed, even though Harry already knew who he was he smiled and signed back, "Hi I'm Harry," Louis smiled wider at the boy, "How old are you?" he asked, "Sixteen, you?" was Harry's response. "Seventeen, almost eighteen" Harry smiled and nodded.


After a little while of signing back and forth, Anne and Susan came back in to see how everything was going. Both women smiled as they saw the two signing back and forth, they walked in front of the two boys, "So how's it going?" she asked as she signed. Harry gave her a thumbs up with a smile, "Everything is going great," 

Anne pulled Harry aside for a moment, "Do you like him Harry?" Harry nodded with a smile, they walked back into the living room. "Louis, it looks like you've got the job," she smiled, Louis stood up with a smile, after thanking her and saying goodbye to both her and Harry, he left with Susan. Harry was happy, but he was nervous, he thinks Louis is going to leave and give up on him like the rest of his translater's did.


Author's Note: I hope you like it, I'm probably going to do a full story but I'm not sure if I'm going to pick either of the two titles. Please Comment a title idea because I really need one, please comment and vote if you want to -S💙💚

Title ideas:
Silence is Deafening
The deafening sound of silence
Silence is louder than words
Absence of sound

(Word Count: 1179)

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