Little Light of Mine

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Okay so this is a request and the person decided to stay anonymous. I think this is a really good idea so I hope you guys like it, also, I'm not sure if it'll be long or not.

Summary: High school - fetus Larry - Basically Harry gives birth and he didn't know he was pregnant.

In this story, both women and men can get pregnant so it's not a rare thing


It was 7:30 in the morning and Harry had just arrived at school, to say the least, he felt like shit. It felt like someone was stabbing him all over his abdomen and lower back, it wasn't constant either, the pain would come and go it would come about every 15-20 minutes and last from 1-2 minutes each time.

Harry wanted to cry, he wanted Louis to cuddle him into his chest, but he didn't get to see his boyfriend until 3rd period. Harry kept trying to distract himself from the pain, but after about an hour the pain got worse and seem to get closer together.


It was finally 3rd period, Harry was in so much pain he was barely able to walk. Louis walked in and sat down next to Harry, he immediately knew something was wrong. After about 15 minutes into the lesson, Harry asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher let him go. Louis watched as Harry left, he was hunched over and holding his stomach. After another 10 minutes, Harry wasn't back yet and Louis was worried, so he asked to go to the bathroom, the teacher said yes and he rushed out of the room.


Harry was in the bathroom, he pulled his pants and his boxers down. It felt like something was coming out of him and he was scared, when he sat down on the bathroom floor he felt the floor beneath him get wet. He felt like he had to push, so he did, he push as hard as he could. He stopped pushing and brought his hand down, he felt a tiny head with a lot of hair, and that's when he knew he was having a baby "Oh my god, Louis' going to leave me" he cried.

He felt like he need to push again, so he did again, he was terrified that the baby wasn't going to survive because he didn't have all the medical things throughout the pregnancy. He heard the door open, he silently prayed that it was Louis, "Harry?!" He sighed a small sigh of relief, he was so happy that it was Louis.


Louis rushed to the closest bathroom "Harry?!" He heard heavy breaths and whimpers "L-Lou, p-please help m-me, come h-here NOW!" he said, somewhat screaming it. Louis pushed the door it was unlocked, "OH MY GOD!!" He saw Harry on the floor with his pants and boxers down to his ankles, he looked down and saw what looked like water and blood on the floor under Harry and saw a baby's head.

"Harry, why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" Harry cried out in pain "I-I didn't k-know" he bit his lip hard until it turned white and started to bleed so he didn't scream. Louis held his hand, "Baby, breath... It's going to be alright, I see the baby's head, you're ready to push Haz" Harry nodded, Louis moved between Harry's legs, still holding his hand "Haz, I need you to push, alright?"

Harry nodded and started pushing, he squeezed Louis' hand tighter, "Just like that Harry, keep going" Harry stopped pushing for a second, Louis took off his hoodie, and Harry started to push again. Harry was crying, still trying not to scream, "You're almost there Haz, just a few more pushes" Harry was trying to catch his breath, and after a few seconds, he started pushing again.

Harry pushed as hard as he could and he felt the baby slip out, Louis caught the baby in his sweater as cries filled the bathroom "Harry, you did it" He wrapped the baby up in his sweater to keep it warm "It's a girl" Louis said as he kissed Harry's forehead, tears falling at a rapid pace "You did amazing, my love" Louis handed the green-eyed boy the baby, and he started crying out of joy, "I'm going to call an ambulance, okay?" Harry nodded still trying to catch his breath.

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