Music and Art

729 13 1

N/A: Okay so this is fetus Larry so they are 16 and 18 in this one-shot


Harry just arrived at a little park that he goes to almost every day, yes he likes going to the park but that's not the only reason he goes every day. Every day when he comes to his usual spot, he sees a boy with a guitar sitting under a tree. Harry loves to paint and draw at the park, but he doesn't paint or draw the birds or trees or flowers he sees, he paints and draws the boy. As creepy as that may sound, Harry is quite fond of the boy even though he's never spoken a word to him, you could say he has a crush on the boy but he doesn't want to admit it to himself.

He grabbed his sketchbook out of his back along with a pencil, he looked up at the boy who was strumming the guitar. He started to draw the boy and would look up every few minutes to get another look at the boy. 

When he looks up again, the boy was looking at him, Harry blushed bright red and put his head back down. A few moments later he felt a tap on his shoulder, "Wow, um didn't expect that," he heard the boy mumble, Harry looked up at the boy to see him staring at the drawing. He slammed his book shut and shoved it into his back, "S-Sorry, I-I gotta g-go" Harry rushed out as he stood up. He ran off and didn't stop until he got home.

"Hey, Harry. Back from the park so soon?" his mother said, "Yeah, didn't have any ideas today," he lied, Harry ran up to his room and fell face-first onto his bed, "Fuck!" he screamed into his pillow.


It's been a week and Harry hasn't gone back to the park since the boy came up to him, in all honesty, he's barely even left his room.

Louis would look for the boy every day as he entered the park, staying there longer than usual to see if he would come but he never saw the boy. 

Harry decided to finally leave the house, he had his usual backpack with him. He had his headphones in, blasting music in his ears as he walked. Eventually, he walks past the park, he starts walking faster. He felt a tap on his shoulder, he stopped and turned around to see the boy from the park.

Instantly, he was anxious, he took out his headphones and paused his music, "H-Hi" he said shyly. The boy smiled a warm smile at Harry, "Hi" The boy sighed, "I was wondering, could we please talk, I've been wanting to talk to you since last week but I never saw you. I wanted to know why you were drawing me?" Harry blushed, but he nodded "Okay,"

They walked back to the tree where the boy always sat with his guitar, they sat down under the tree. "First of all, my name is Louis," Harry smiled, "I'm Harry," Louis smiled, "It's nice to finally meet you, but why were you drawing me?" Harry shrugged and looked down with a blush on his cheeks, "You're just a really interesting person to draw," he mumbled as he fiddled with his fingers, nervously.

Louis noticed his nervousness, "Harry, there's no need to be nervous, I'm not mad or anything. I'm just curious," Harry sighed and nodded, "Sorry,"  Louis shook his head, "There's no need to be sorry... is it okay if I look at the drawing?" Harry nodded and opened his backpack before taking it out, he flipped to the page and handed it to Louis.

"Wow, this is amazing," Harry smiled, "You think so?" Louis nodded, "Yeah, you're really good," Harry blushed slightly, "Thanks," Louis looked up at him from the drawing, "I still don't understand though, why'd you pick me out of all the other people in the park?" Harry's cheeks darkened, "You're just really pretty, and I really wanted to draw you," Louis blushed with a smile, "Thanks, you're pretty too," 

Harry thought he was going to explode with excitement, his crush just called him pretty. Harry blushed with a big dimpled smile on his face, "Your dimples are so adorable," Louis commented, Harry just continued to blush as his smile became bigger. 


After hours of talking the sun was starting to set, they exchanged numbers and said their goodbye's before heading their separate ways. 

When Harry got home he was a giggling mess as he walked through the door, "Haz, why are you so giggly?" Gemma asked him with an eyebrow raised. She smirked "Wait is it that boy that your always drawing that sits under a tree?" Harry's eyes widened, "Did you go through my sketchbook?" Gemma smiled, "So it is that boy?" Harry blushed with embarrassment.

"Just remember if he hurts you, I will hurt him worse," Harry giggled and nodded as he walked to his room. 


Author's Note: Okay at first I didn't know where this was going to go but it turned out longer than I thought. There is going to be a part 2 so don't worry. Please let me know what you think and please comment and vote if you want to -S💙💚

(Word Count: 879)

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