I love you

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Okay, so this is another request, by the same person as before. This story does revolve around eating disorders, so if you're not comfortable reading this please skip this story.



It's 2014 and One direction was just about done with their tour, they had only 5 concerts left. With Zayn leaving, it put a lot of stress on all the boys, but mostly Harry, and it didn't help that he was in love with Louis and couldn't tell him. He started eating less, not having proper meals as often as he should. At first, he just started to not eat as much but now he's eating even less and when he feels like he ate too much he would make himself vomit. A lot of the time when the rest of the boys would go out to eat Harry would decline and say that he just wasn't hungry, Louis was the most worried out of the boys.

Louis loved Harry, even though Harry doesn't know that. Louis has loved Harry since they first met on the x-factor he wished that he could tell him but he was too scared to say anything. The fans already think that Harry and Louis are together but sadly they weren't and Louis wishes that they were.


It was the middle of their concert and Harry was feeling extremely dizzy but he didn't want to say anything, so he didn't. He kept singing until at one point everything goes black.

Louis' POV:

It was the middle of the concert and I could tell that something was not right with Harry, he continues to sing. I look toward the crowd for a split second and see the fans gasp as I hear a thud and a mic hitting the floor, I turn and saw Harry lying motionless on the ground. I drop my mic and ran over to him, tears were falling down my cheeks as picked him up slightly and held him in my arms.

"Hazza, wake up please" I whispered as I cried more, the fans were being escorted out of the venue as the rest of the boys called an ambulance. Harry's eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly parted, I could feel his shallow breaths as his chest barely raised and fell. After a few minutes, the ambulance arrive and had to forcibly pull me away from Harry. I didn't want to let go, I didn't know if that was the last time I would be able to hold him or see him.

I practically begged them to let me ride with Harry, finally agreeing, and I climb into the ambulance with Harry. I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers, combing my other hand through his hair. Once we were at the hospital Harry was rolled to a room and I couldn't go with him, I sat in the waiting room crying. Soon the other boys got there and I could feel their arms wrap around me hugging me tightly.

After what felt like forever one person was allowed to go in, and everyone agreed for me to go to Harry's room.


3rd Person POV:

Louis followed the nurse to Harry's room, the nurse paused by the door "Okay, so there's a lot of machines hooked up to him right now and it may look a little scary alright?" Louis nodded "I just need to see him" The nurse nodded her head and opened the door. Louis felt his heart physically shatter as he took in the sight of Harry, "Harry" he whispered breathlessly. He walked toward the bed, Harry had an oxygen mask on and a heart monitor among other machines. They must have taken Harry's shirt off the attach the machines to him so Louis could see how skinny Harry has gotten.

His stomach was sunken in, you could see practically every rib under his skin. Louis was so heartbroken, he wish he noticed the strange behavior sooner, he wish he asked Harry what was wrong, he wish he was there to help Harry so that it didn't get this far. Harry's eyes fluttered open as he turned his head to the side to see Louis, he notice Harry's forest-green eyes fluttering open. Louis broke down into sobs again as he held Harry's hand "Louis" Louis didn't let him say anything else, he removed the oxygen mask from Harry's face. He leaned in and whispered "I love you" before smashing his lips against Harry's, their tears mixed together as they kissed. Harry pulled away after a minute putting his hand on the side of Louis' face "I love you too" he said as he wipe the tears off Louis' face.

"Harry, be my boyfriend?" Harry smiled, "Of course, I'll be your boyfriend, Lou" Louis pressed kisses all over Harry's face "I love you so fucking much" Louis hugged Harry close "I want to help you, I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore, Okay? I love you Harry" Harry nodded "Thank you, Louis, you saved me" tears were falling down his cheeks as Louis pressed soft kisses to his forehead. Soon the rest of the boys were allowed to go back to Harry's room, and after a while, Liam and Niall went to their hotel and grabbed their stuff bringing it back to the hospital before leaving to back to the hotel again. 

Louis stayed with Harry in the hospital, "Louis, I'm hungry" Harry whispered it was about 1 in the morning, Louis sat up in the reclining chair "What do you want, Love?" Harry giggles slightly "You know what sounds really good right now... Nando's" Louis chuckled "Alright, you know what's funny... Liam and Niall brought us that when they came back earlier and it's still on the counter" Harry laughed, and shook his head. Louis stood up and grabbed the two to-go boxes off the counter. Earlier they were moved to a bigger room because Louis was staying with Harry until he was out of the hospital and the room had a small microwave in it, so Louis heated up the food. 

"Don't burn it, Lou" Harry told him giggling, Louis sighed dramatically and said with a bit of sass "I know how to use a microwave, Harold" Harry laughed a little loudly and covered his mouth with his hand as he continued to giggle. Louis took the food out of the microwave and handed one of the boxes to Harry, "Harry, you don't have to eat it all, just try to at least eat half of it, okay?" he nodded as a small smile appeared on his lips "Thank you for not rushing me, Lou" Louis grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers as Harry took his first bite. 


Okay, I hope you like this one-shot, I think I'm going to do part 2 but let me know what you think. Please comment and vote if you want to - S💙💚 

(Word Count: 1150)

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