Girl Crush🥵💚

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Okay so this is another request from my questionnaire, it's still open if you haven't filled it out and if you already have filled it out you can fill it out again if you want to, I hope you enjoy!

Requested by: imhavingyour_baby

Request: so... kind of like girl crush but not exactly they're in college and Harry has a crush on Louis and Louis has a crush on him but Louis is always with his friend... Sam who's lesbian but Harry doesn't know that Sam's so pretty like shes so fucking hot model material really. She has individual braids that have blonde hair too, and she's just like beautiful! ANYWAYS Louis and Harry have the same lecture & one-day Harry is waiting outside his dorm bc his roommate had a girl over. Louis sees him while walking to his place from a friend and he's like "Oh come to mines it's cold in the hallway." then Harry gets there and the girl is there and he's feeling shitty bc he thought maybe Louis liked him or something, and he says something stupid like "oh I've always seen you with ur girlfriend but I've never met her." and the girl looks at harry likes he's an idiot bc he is. and she's like "Babe Louis would much rather fuck you than me... he's told me." and then they... (being Louis and Harry) end up alone and.. fuck?

TW and other notes: Smut, Top!Louis, LHH era(For both of them, basically 2015 era), Bottom!Harry, Pain Kink, Degrading Kink, Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Multiple Orgasms



"Mate, just go fucking talk to him, he's not going to notice you if you never say a single word to the guy," Liam told him as they sat in the library studying for their winter exams. "I know, but I'm too scared, plus I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend, he's always with this one girl, she's beautiful don't get me wrong just not my type," Liam rolled his eyes "Clearly she isn't, you're gay for fuck sakes, Harry,"

Harry giggled and nodded, "Right," Liam shook his head with a chuckle, "Mate, just go talk to him, it's not that hard, just say hi," Harry groaned. "Li, it's not that simple,"

"How is it not that simple, it's one word, hi!" he said slightly louder as he threw his hands up in the air. Harry dropped his head onto the table and groaned. "Harry, you are acting like you're back in middle school with your first crush," Liam said as he flipped the page in his textbook.

"Just talk to him, or I'll find a way to make you talk to him, I'm tired of hearing you complain about not being with him," Harry groaned, "Fine, I'll talk to him," Liam nodded, "Good, I'm giving you a week and if you don't talk to him by then I'll figure out a way to make you talk to him," Harry's cheeks darkened "Fine, I get it!"

Liam continued with his work, and Harry tried to continue his studying but he couldn't focus when his crush was sitting only a few tables away with the girl that he thought was his girlfriend. The girl was beautiful she had long blonde hair with a few braids mixed in, beautiful blue eyes, and a pretty smile, Harry could see why Louis would like her, he would probably like her too if he was straight.


Next day...

Harry was sitting in class waiting for the professor to start his lesson, after another minute, Louis walked into the room, the only seat left in the room was next to Harry, his crush. "Fuck," he whispered quietly before quickly walking over and sitting down next to him without a word. Harry turned his head slightly to see who was sitting next to him, he quickly looked away when he saw that it was Louis, his crush.

Harry blushed nervously as he bit his lip, pretending to look in his bag for something, distracting him until the professor started his lesson.


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