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N/A: I seriously wonder how I come up with some of this stuff sometimes

Louis is Harry's neighbor. Harry lives with his abusive boyfriend, Jason, Louis had suspicions that something was wrong and one day, Louis catches something on his security camera. 

Harry is 18 and Louis is 21

TW: Abuse(Verbal,physical, sexual, and emotional)/mentions of, PTSD, Panic Attacks


Louis was minding his business when he heard a loud piercing scream of pain...


"Shut up you fucking useless slut!" Harry's boyfriend, Jason, yelled, Harry let out a loud sob, and a harsh slap came to his face. "What did I just fucking say, Shut your mouth or I'll tape it shut," he yelled as he grabbed Harry's shirt pulling him up from the floor and throwing him on the bed, making him hit his head on the headboard. 

"I-I don't w-want it," Harry cried, causing another harsh slap to come in contact with his cheek, and a shirt was rolled up and stuffed in his mouth before it was tied tightly around his head. His hands were tied behind his back with a rope, tight enough to cut off circulation.

Harry heard the sound of Jason's belt being removed, he let out a scream that was muffled by the shirt in his mouth. His pants were yanked off of him and felt the belt strike his ass hard, he let out another scream as tears streamed down his face.


Louis looked out his window that faced toward his neighbor Harry's house, he was always worried, he knew Harry didn't live alone, he lived with his boyfriend. Louis knew something wasn't right but he could never talk with Harry or see what went on because he could only see into the house through a small window that was in their kitchen. 

He heard more screams but they sounded muffled, Louis never thought to look at his camera because he always forgot that it was there, but this time he remembered. He grabbed his phone and went to the camera app on his phone, and he saw it.

Harry was half naked and tied up with something in his mouth that Louis couldn't quite make out. He saw Jason whipping him with a belt, and he heard more muffled screams as Jason kept hitting Harry with the belt, and he called the police quickly.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I need police quickly, my neighbor is being abused by his boyfriend,"

"Alright, I need an address,"

Louis quickly gave them the address.

"Alright, I'm sending the police now,"

"Thank you,"

After he ended the call he stood outside, hearing more muffled screams. After a few minutes two police cars stopped in front of Harry's house, they broke into the house, and after a few minutes, they came back out with Jason, who was in handcuffs. After another ten minutes, Harry came running out of the house and toward Louis', Louis was back in the house now since the police were there.

There was a knock on Louis' door, he opened it a moment later to see Harry, the boy wrapped him in a tight hug. "Oh my god, t-thank you so, so much," Louis wrapped his arms around Harry, "Are you alright?" Harry let out a sob as he shook his head, "I'm in pain and I'm scared, I don't have anywhere safe to live,"

"If you want you can live with me, I promise you're safe here, I'll make sure Jason will never come near you again," Harry looked at him, "Really?" Louis nodded, "Yes, you didn't deserve to be treated like that, I'm sorry you had to go through that,"

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