Rose Petals

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Louis' POV:

"To start your hunt you must begin
In the place where you first leaned in"

I smiled at the first clue from Harry, a clue that he promised would lead to something spectacular. By the words "Where you first leaned in", I'm guessing he means the place where we had our first kiss.

When I get up to our (now shared) bedroom, there's another card on the bed, surrounded by rose petals.

"Now that we've had our fun,
Go to the place where we were almost done."

Coming out as a gay couple in a band together didn't exactly go well for Harry and me. A week after we'd announced that we were dating, the backlash from people on our Instagrams was unbelievable. It got to be so bad that Harry and I didn't know if we would last. We were on edge, snippy even, with each other, and we'd had a pretty bad fight in the park one night. But we stuck together, and that was the most important bit.

So now, approaching the park bench where we were sitting the night of that fight, the one that could've ended everything, I'm smiling looking back on all the good times Harry and I had. The time he held my hand getting a tattoo, or when he'd sing to me after horrible days. he was always there for me, and I thank God for that, with every breath I take.

The third card, surrounded by more rose petals, read:

"This last clue means the adventure is almost finished,
Go to the place where you couldn't speak English."

This one put my mind in a fog for a minute. Then I remember, laughing at myself over the Jimmy Kimmel "Sur Skype" incident. I run back to my car and drive to the studio where we shot "Sur Skype" with Jimmy Kimmel.

"What the...?" I muttered to myself, killing the engine and walking along a path of rose petals, leading to the door that had a green H intertwined with a blue L on it. I pushed the door open to reveal the boys, all in their suits, singing "18" softly.

"Louis?" Harry, also in his suit, says. "May I have this dance?"

I laugh, grabbing his hand and dancing slowly to Zayn, Liam, and Niall's voices singing 18 by One Direction - our song. As Harry spins me out one more time, he drops onto a knee and I spin into his lap. finishing in a pose worthy of being on Dancing with the stars.

I laugh and go to stand, but Harry keeps his hand firm on my hip "Louis," he says seriously, "I need to ask you something really important."

I notice Zayn out of the corner of my eye, starting to take a video. Niall grabs a bowl full of rose petals, and Liam has a sign hidden behind his back so I can't read what it says. I nod, keeping my attention on the love of my life, my heart racing. "Go ahead, baby."

"Louis," Harry begins, "For as long as I've known you, you've been a ray of sunshine in everyone's lives. I wanted that ray of sunshine to be forever present, twenty-four hours, seven days a week. And so I asked you to be mine. You said yes and it was the best day of my life. And now I'm asking you to say yes once more." He pulls out a tiny box, and I gasp.

" I love you more than anything in this world," Harry continues. "More than the band-"

"Wow," Zayn says. "I feel so loved right now."

Harry keeps going. "More than life itself-"

"Damn," Niall says. "That was deep."

"Can I please finish?" Harry says annoyed. Zayn and Niall giggle and fist bump as Liam throws them a look that says I'm ready to kill you if you screw this up again, so try me you won't.

Harry sighs, putting his beautiful forest green eyes back on me. "And more than anything in the whole wide universe.

Zayn and Niall both open their mouths to interject again. "But-"

"Would you two please shut the hell up?" Liam says. "I'm trying to watch these two get engaged here!" Then, realizing what he's said, he blushed madly and whispered an apology to Harry.

"Harry...?" I say, tears beginning to glisten in my eyes.

"Well, I guess the secret is out, so let's cut to the chase," he chuckles. "Louis, I love you so much, and I never want to let go of you. You are smart, hilarious, adorable, and so much more. But best of all, you're mine. And I want to be able to call you that forever. So," he says. opening the little black box to reveal a silver wedding band, "Louis William Tomlinson, will you marry me?"

I stare at him in shock, half expecting the boys to start humming the Jeopardy! song when contestants are taking a long time to answer.

"Yes," I whisper out. "Yes, yes, of course, yes!" He slides the ring onto my finger and crashed his lips onto mine.

"To the future Mr. and Mr. Styles!" Liam yells, revealing the sign that says Congrats, Larry!! Took ya long enough!!! while Niall throws the rose petals all over the place.

"Mr. Louis Styles," I hum next to Harry's ear. "I could get used to that."

"Me too," he whispers back. "I love you."

"I love you more than I could ever begin to explain." 


Author's Note: I hope you like this one shot, let me know what you think. Please comment and vote if you want to - S💙💚

(Word Count: 915)

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