Would you kiss me?

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N/A: Okay, this will be somewhat based on the third episode of heartstopper; if you haven't watched the show, there may be a few spoilers!


Harry was openly gay at his school, at the time it wasn't his choice to come out because one of his bullies outed him when he found out. Since then, Harry has gotten more bullied, but when he got put into his new form, the bullying started to suppress a bit because of one boy in year eleven. Louis Tomlinson. Louis was the star and captain of the school's footie team, Harry got put next to him on the seating chart. 

It started with just a few hi's as they bumped into each other in the hallways, and now they're best friends. Harry has had a crush on the older since Louis saved him from being assaulted by his ex-boyfriend, Jason.

Harry hoped Louis liked him back, but he knew Louis was straight, at least that's what he originally thought. After about a month since the whole Jason thing happened, Louis had become more flirty and clingy with Harry. The younger didn't know if the boy was actually flirting with him or if Louis was just being nice and Harry's imagination has been playing tricks on him.

His friends have been teasing him about liking a girl named Eleanor, Harry was jealous because he wanted to be with Louis but he knew that wasn't going to happen, the boy was straight for christ's sake.


"Haz, do you want to come to Zayn's party with me this weekend?" the older asked as their form teacher was taking role. Harry shook his head softly, "Parties aren't really my thing, Lou," Louis put a hand on Harry's shoulder, "I know, but I want you to come with me. I won't let anyone bully you, and if they do, I can get them kicked off the footie team real quick," 

Harry smiled as a slight blush arose on his cheeks, "Okay, I'll go," Louis smiled, "Yes!" he said a little too loud, making the teacher look at them. They both looked down at their table before giggling softly.


Harry just arrived at Zayn's party, he was nervous but excited because he got to spend more time with Louis. He looked around until Louis ran up to him, "Hey Haz," he smiled and hugged the boy tight, "Hi, Lou," the music was blasting and Louis and Harry couldn't really hear each other. "Do you want to go somewhere quieter?" Harry nodded, "Yeah,"

They found a room away from the rest of the people and sat down on a couch, they continued to talk until Zayn and a few other boys from the footie team walked in. "Louis what are you guys doing in here? you're missing the party," Louis shrugged, "We're just talking," he murmured.

Zayn sat down next to him, "Well, I go some news for you, Eleanor just arrived," he said wiggling his eyebrows, "It's time to make your move," Louis bit his lip, Zayn stood up and pulled Louis with him. They walked toward the entrance of the giant mansion until they saw Eleanor. Zayn talked to her for a moment before patting Louis' shoulder and walking away, Harry pouted slightly and got up, leaving to find a different place to sit.


"Hey, El," he smiled awkwardly, "Hey, you enjoying the party?" Louis nodded, "Yeah, except this whole thing. I don't know why Zayn keeps teasing me about it when the kiss happened back in middle school. Are you enjoying the party so far?" Eleanor nodded, "Yeah, I'm enjoying it, except this whole thing too. All of this would stop if I just told everyone I was a lesbian," 

Louis nodded, "That would be a good lie to get this to stop," he chuckled softly, "It wouldn't be a lie," Louis' eyes widened a little, "Oh, so you are?" Eleanor nodded "Yeah, that's my girlfriend over there," she told him as he looked at a girl that he recognized to be Lilly. "Well, Have fun with your girlfriend, I'm going to go find somebody," she nodded and waved him off before walking back over to Lilly.

After a while of walking, Louis found the younger boy sitting on a couch by himself, he sat down by the curly-headed boy, startling him a little. "You okay, you seem anxious?" Harry nodded, "Yeah, I just had a run-in with Jason," Louis' eyebrows furrowed a bit, "Oh," Harry nodded, "Yeah, he tried to talk to me but I pushed him away and told him that I didn't want to hear his apology,"

Louis grabbed his hand giving it a slight squeeze, "I'm proud of you, Haz," the green-eyed boy smiled, "Thanks," Louis smiled back, "Do you want to go someplace quieter again?" Harry nodded. Once they got to the stairs Harry smirked, "Race you," he giggled before he took off running up the multiple set of stairs, "Not fair," Louis shouted out as he ran after him.

Eventually, they run into a room, "Wow," Harry says out of breath, "How did Zayn afford this place?" Louis let out a heavy breath, "Zayn's parents are like mad rich," Harry laughed softly, seeing Louis sit down on the ground against the wall, and doing the same.

"So, Zayn was saying you have a crush on Eleanor... is that true?" Louis shook his head, "No, she's a nice girl but she's not my type," Harry smiled slightly to himself. "Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment?" Louis nodded, "What's she like then?" Harry asked, trying not to sound upset about it.

"So you're just going to automatically assume they're a she?" Harry's eyes widened a bit, "Are-Are they, not a girl," Louis bit his lip "Um," Harry moved his foot toward Louis' slightly, "Would you go out with someone who wasn't a girl?" Louis' cheeks got darker, "I don't know... Maybe," he murmured, Harry took his hand off of his lap and put it next to Louis.

"Would you kiss someone who wasn't a girl?" Louis' heart was racing as Harry continued with the questions, he felt Harry's pinkie touch his own. "Maybe," Harry overlapped their pinkies, "Would you kiss me?" Louis looked down at their overlapped pinkies before looking back at the younger, "Yeah," he whispered, it was barely audible, but Harry heard it. 

Harry leaned in a little before raising his hand to the older's face, Louis leaned in as well, letting his eyes flutter shut before their lips met in a sweet kiss. After a few seconds, they both pulled away, looking away from each other. A moment passed before Harry looked back at the blue-eyed boy, Louis looked up at him with a small smile before grabbing Harry's hand in his and leaning back in kissing the younger boy again.

"Do you wanna get out of here? I brought my car so I can take you home," Harry smiled, "I would love that," Louis stood up and stuck out his hands for the younger, Harry grabbed them, and the older pulled him up to his feet. Harry blushed nervously when he realized how close Louis was, Louis, smiled before kissing his cheek.


They just arrived at Harry's house, his mom was working that night so it was just his sister Gemma in the house. They both walk through the door and see Gemma sitting on the couch watching a TV show, "Hey Gems," she looked over and smiled, "Hey H, how was the party? I thought it was going till midnight, it's only ten thirty," Harry shrugged, "It still is, I just wanted to come home early," Gemma nodded, "Okay, and hi Louis," he smiled at her, "Hey Gemma," Harry pulled Louis along by his hand, making both Louis and Gemma laugh. 

"Do you wanna spend the night Lou?" Louis nodded, "Of course, now let's cuddle," Harry giggled with a blush and jumped onto the bed next to the older. Louis pulled him closer, "Lou, what are we?" Louis kissed his cheek, "What do you want to be?" Harry let out a soft sigh, "Boyfriends?" Louis smiled "That's exactly what I was hoping you'd say,"

"Kiss me?" Louis asked, Harry, smiled as he leaned connecting their lips, Louis let out a content sigh as he kissed the younger back. Gemma opened the door, "Harry what do you wa-" the two boys pulled apart quickly, looking at Gemma, Harry bit his lip. "First of all, fucking finally. Second, I'm assuming Louis is staying so do you guys want pizza for dinner?" 

Both boys nodded with blushy cheeks and flustered faces, Gemma smiled as she shook her head before walking out of the room and shutting the door. As soon as the door closed, Louis leaned back over and reconnected their lips with a smile on his face. 


"You guys better be decent!" Gemma shouts before opening Harry's door, with a pizza box and handing it to Harry, and leaving the room. Harry opened the box and they both took a slice of the pepperoni pizza, "Thank you for convincing me to go to that party, Lou," Louis smiled, "Thank you for showing up, I'm glad you came," Harry smiled and pecked Louis' lips. 


Author's Note: I hope you like this one-shot, it actually turned out longer and better than I thought it would. Please comment and vote if you want to -S💙💚

(Word Count: 1560)

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