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N/A: So I'm basing this one-shot off of my homecoming night because it felt like a fucking Wattpad moment. I had a date but he got sick and couldn't go so I found a girl that didn't have a date and we danced together all night and then she kissed me!!! Also, this is going to be LHH era even though they're in high school.

TW: Homophobic slur(s)


Harry had just gotten past the ticket booth, and now he was waiting for his date, he waited for another ten minutes before he decided to text her. After a few minutes, she texted him back saying that she was sick and wasn't going to make it to the dance. The green-eyed boy sighed and walked into the gym, quickly finding some of his friends.

"Hey, mate. Where's your date?" Liam shouted over the music, "She's sick," he shouts back, "Sorry mate, maybe you can find someone else to dance with," Liam told him. Harry nods, "I'm gonna go get something to drink," Liam nods and Harry walks over to a table with some punch on it. He saw a boy in a navy blue suit sitting by himself, "Why aren't you dancing?" Harry shouts over the music.


Louis was sitting in a chair by the drink table, he doesn't know why he decided to go to the dance. He was known as the quiet gay kid, he was bullied for being gay a lot and he knew his bullies would be here, but his mother forced him to go saying it would be a good experience for him.

"Why aren't you dancing?" he heard someone shout over the music, he looked to his right seeing the one and only Harry Styles, the boy Louis' had a crush on since 7th grade, he's now a junior in high school. "Got no one to dance with, nobody wants to dance with the gay kid," he shouted back and he blushed nervously.

Harry frowned at that and put his cup back down on the table, he walked in front of the boy and held out his hand. "Come on, let's dance," Harry shouts, Louis blushed even darker but shook his head. Harry frown and grabbed one of the boy's hands, pulling him up and dragging him onto the dance floor. 

As they started dancing the song changed to God's Plan by Drake, Louis smiled, "This is one of my favorite songs," Louis shouts, Harry smiled, "Me too," they both start jumping with the crowd with smiles on their faces. 

After a while of dancing, they went back over to the drink table to get some punch, and they both soon found out someone had spiked with vodka. After a few drinks Harry and Louis both started to feel the alcohol, when Harry looked back at Louis the light was hitting his face perfectly. 

He doesn't know if it was the spiked punch or his closeted Bisexual self that was coming to the surface, but Louis looked really hot under the colorful lights. Louis noticed Harry staring at him and blushed as he bit his lip, Harry walked closer to him and grabbed the drink from his hand, and put it down on the table before pulling Louis back out to the dance floor.

The song changed to Gas Pedal, Louis started to walk to the side of the gym to sit down, but Harry pulled him back and grabbed his waist. Louis blushed a bright red, "Come on let's dance," he shouted and moved his hand down to Louis' hips. 

Louis' cheek became even darker, Harry started swaying his hips and moving Louis' with his hands. After about a minute Louis started getting into it, he grabbed Harry's hand and turned around feeling more of the alcohol kicking in as he started to grind against Harry. The taller grabbed the blue-eyed boy's hips again and started moving with him, Harry squeezed Louis' hip, making him grind on the green-eyed boy harder.

The song changed to Candy Shop and Louis was still grinding on Harry, the taller turned him around and grabbed his ass. Louis bit his lip to stop himself from whimpering, Harry pulled his face closer by the back of his neck, making his lips ghost over the smaller's. The green-eyed boy paused for a moment, but then he quickly connected their lips. 

When they pulled away, Harry noticed his friends staring at them, "You're dancing with the gay kid, leave that fucking faggot alone, he's gonna ruin your reputation," Caleb shouted over the music. Louis backed away and started walking off, Harry grabbed his hand and pulled him back, "I don't care about my reputation, I rather spend time with people that actually care about me than people that just care about popularity," Harry yelled. "He's a faggot, Harry!" Caleb yelled back, Harry furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his hands into fists, and punched Caleb in the nose.

Harry walked away, pulling Louis with him, before they got too far Harry turned Louis toward him and connected their lips while flipping Caleb off. Harry tasted the saltiness of tears as he kissed the smaller boy, he pulled away to see Louis crying. 

The taller pulled the boy outside, "Hey, don't cry," he told the blue-eyed boy as he wiped his tears with the pad of his thumb. "It just hurts so much, Harry. They call me that every day and it hurts so, so much and I'm so tired of it. I don't know what happened between us back there on the dance floor, but I really liked it, and tomorrow you're probably going to forget I even exist, and I don't know if I can handle that because I really like you!" 

Harry grabbed his hand, "Louis, I'm not going to forget that you exist, and I don't think I will ever be able to forget about you because I've liked you since 7th grade," Harry kissed his cheek. Louis smiled as more tears welled in his eyes, and Harry kissed him softly.

Harry smiled as he pulled away and pressed their foreheads together, "Do you want to go back to my place, and cuddle?" Louis asked softly as he bit his lip nervously. "I would love to, but first, Louis, will you be my boyfriend?" Louis smiled as he blushed and nodded, "Yes, of course, yes!" Harry smiled and connected their lips.

"Did you drive here?" Harry asked after he pulled away, Louis shook his head, "I don't drive," he said as he blushed with embarrassment. The taller grabbed the boy's hand and pulled him over to his car and opened the passenger's side door for the shorter. Once Louis sat down, Harry shut the door and went over to the driver's side before starting the engine.

Louis put his address into the GPS and Harry started driving, it only took them about ten minutes to get to the smaller's house. The green-eyed boy grabbed a pair of sweats, a t-shirt, and a hoodie before stepping outside the car. Louis got out and waited for Harry by the front of the car, Harry grabbed the boy's hand and intertwined their fingers before they started walking toward the door.

Once they were in the house, Louis showed Harry the bathroom so the boy could change, Louis quickly changed into a pair of black Nike sweats and a t-shirt before waiting by the bathroom for Harry. He didn't have to wait long for the taller to come out of the bathroom, now they were laying in Louis' bed cuddling. 

Louis buried his face into the crook of Harry's neck, the green-eyed boy smiled and kissed his temple. "Harry, can I tell you something?" Harry nods, "Of course, baby," Louis took a deep breath, "I've-I've been in love with you since freshman year," he told the taller as a dark blush arose on his cheeks. 

He looked away from the green-eyed boy, becoming nervous, "Louis, I've been in love with you since 8th-grade camp, you were just so adorable, you looked so cuddly in those big fluffy sweaters," Louis smiled as he looked back up at Harry, "Really?" The taller nodded. 

Louis blushed a bright cherry red color as he tilted Harry's head down a bit before pecking his lips, Harry smiled and kissed the smaller back. He wrapped his arm around the blue-eyed boy's waist and pulled him closer, "I really love you, Lou," he murmured against the smaller's lips. "I really love you too, Haz," 


Author's Note: I hope you like it, I was originally going to do smut but I decided to change it, let me know if you would like another version with smut because I will happily do that! Don't forget to comment and vote if you want to -S💙💚

(Word Count: 1460)

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