More Life tips/hacks

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We all need more tips. We can't get enough of them. So here is some more.

❤ Bananas help cramps.

❤ It is true! Guys who insult you actually like you.

❤ Girls who insult guys like them as well.

❤ If you have a sore throat immediately ELMC= eat lolly pops, marshmallows, and cucumbers.

❤ When you burn your tongue, put sugar on it.

❤ Can't fall asleep? Blink your eyes super fast for a whole minute.

❤ If you need to memorize something for a test, read the whole thing 5 times. Then cover the answers to test yourself.

❤Put a hot spoon on a mosquito bite. It will stop the itching and go away.

❤ When you put on blush or bronzer, sometimes it's good to put a drop of water on both cheeks. The makeup will last much longer.

❤ I know how it feels to hate making your bed when you have to. So if you're a morning glory:

🌞Get up and make your bed. It will wake you up. (I know. I am one.)

If you're a night owl:

🌝 Get up, eat breakfast, and when you go get dressed you are ready enough to make your bed.

❤ Do fix a broken heart, but 4 things:

💔 Ice cream
💔 Music player or phone
💔 TV with a whole season of your favorite show
💔 Tissues

Now you're ready.

❤ Can't find the remote? Let me tell you a secret. There's buttons on the side of every TV. Whhhhaaaattt?????!!!!
Yeah so just use that.

❤When your room is a mess, get someone who is a Capricorn. The months are December 22-January 21 I believe. Capricorns hate messes and love organization.

❤ When you receive an achievement, don't speak unless they congratulate you. It's just better.

❤ Put Vaseline on a red nose to make it go away.

❤ If you can't find something, close your eyes and go back in time.

❤ If you have a broken nail, wrap it in a bandage. It helps if it bleeds and it protects it.

❤ When you can't get dirt of something no madder how hard you tried, go for Pledge. Then very lightly a drop of soap. Scrub good on the dirt and it will most likely go away.

❤ If you want to but something, take a picture if it. That way, when you have a huge amount of money saved up, you can go back and buy what you took a picture of.

❤ When you're jealous, think of what you have that the person who you are jealous of doesn't.

❤ No air freshener. Just use perfume. It has the same quality, good scent, and it's cheap because you don't have to buy 2 ideas now.

❤ Use a bobby pin to open locks if you lost or forgot a key. It does work most of the time. (of corse it doesn't work with unlocking a house or car.)

❤ Put water know your hair gel so it isn't as sticky.

❤ Before you work out or do activities that make you sore, take ibuprofen. It will help loosen up stiff muscles.

❤ Stomach hurts? Eat crackers. Trust me, it helps.

❤ If you're wearing shoes that might cause blisters, put bandages on the toes where you get blisters the most.

❤ If you can't get your earring in, put Vaseline on the tip that goes in your ear. If it still doesn't work, put water on your actual ear. That should work.

❤ For girls keep your pads in a wallet and tampons in a small pencil box. That way, people will thinks it's really not a big deal.

❤ Go to if you don't k ow something. Like the theme for a book or the year a celebrity was born.

❤ If something is wrong, tell an adult. I know that's obvious but they are right almost 100% of the time.

❤ When you are learning how to drive, take the actual wheel with the car completely off and start turning. It will help you get the hang of turning a wheel.

❤ When you have gas pain, lay on your stomach, sides, or back. Do almost the same thing with cramps.

❤ Clean your eye glasses with windex. It will help.

❤ Put a bar of soap in a suitcase when traveling. It will help your clothes smell nice.

❤ Have a headache? Drink either coffee or tea. Both help.

❤ If you sent a text on accident put it on airplane mode. It will cancel the text and then you can delete it.

Okay guys. Those are my new life hacks. Hope you like them because I worked hard on making them and trying them. AQ? Comment how to do things or anything you want.-TDG

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