Time to rant

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Hey guys! I'm going to be doing these types of chapters sometimes when I need to rant and get my feelings out. And today I really need to rant.

Okay. If you want to make plans and then tell me lets do it and plan it all out then I believe that we are going to hang out on a certain day. And then the very next day or even earlier in the same day you say that you can't and now you have to do something. Brooo!!!!!

First of all, when you schedule to hang out, how are you not aware of anything else that is suppose to happen on that day. I get if it is really last minute but some things like a dentist appointment you HAVE to know about before hand. My strict parents believe that the person's parents didn't know I was coming over so when they did found out they said no and the person who I was going to hang out with has to now make an excuse. I mean some people do that on occasions but I know my friend and I don't think she would be that kind of person to do that.

And because my parents are so strict when people suggest things half of the time my parents wouldn't allow it. So yeah. I hate my life. I can't hang out with one fricken person this spring break. Uggggh. Now I'm going to do homework.

Thanks for reading my rant. Vote if this has ever happened to you.

Stay beautiful, stay you, and I love you!

The Different Girl, staying the same XOXO

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