My thoughts during school

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Hey guys!!! Today I am going to share with you my thoughts during school. I feel like a lot of people can relate to the things I am going to list so yeah I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!! Also make sure to comment below which one of these things you can relate to the most.

"Can I do the homework for that class in lunch? Yeah I can, I'm good."

"Is he looking at me? weird....."


"I wind what my teacher does at home? They have kids so they probably take care of their kids. Does that mean that his wife and him.........NO NOW I CAN'T GET THAT OUT OF MY HEAD. NO NO NO NO NO."

"DO I HAVE A TEST NEXT PERIOD!?!?" **Asks someone "All good."

"She's in a bad mood. I feel for you so much."

"I have to itch my leg. NO. People will think it's weird if I do. But it's SOOOO itchy...."

"Hand cramp. Writing. Too. Much. I hate my life."

"Does this teacher really think I'm going to remember all of this?"

"Why do I even need to go to school? Oh right I have to get a job. Maybe I can sell stuff for the rest of my life. No you have to work. Maybe I can go on YouTube and magically make money. That only happens to like 1% of the population. Yeah but I can try. I really don't want to be here....."

"Those shoes look really weird on her."


"My dog has the easiest life. I wish I could be a dog. I have no responsibilities."

"Wait, he just mentioned a paper due on the 20th..........oh it's the 10th I'm fine."

"I am definitely not getting that pen back ever."

"What the hell is the teacher talking about?"

"I should ask questions since I don't understand him. I'm too lazy for that."

"When will I EVER need to use the Pythagorean theorem in my entire life?"

"If I die would anyone in this room actually care?" **Imagines a world where I die and what happens. Then starts crying cause I die.

"My birthday is in 7 months."


"What if I kissed this one guy? What would he say. What would I do? Wait ew he's kind of weird."

"White out is always messy and never works perfectly."

"If I chew only when the teacher isn't looking, she'll never catch me chewing gum."

"How did I get an 80!! I was sure I was gonna get an 89...."

"I wonder what he's thinking about right now......Giana that's weird........WHATEVER I DONT CARE I CAN THINK WHAT I WANT."

"I. Hate. My. Life."

"What if everyone is secretly judging me when I'm not looking or I'm not there."

"I totally failed that."

"NO I HAVE TO PRESENT MY POWERPOINT TODAY NO I CAN'T DO IT. Maybe I can hide in the bathroom."

"I didn't study for this quiz. Maybe I can hide in the bathroom."

"I really don't want to see HER in Spanish today. Maybe I can hide in the bathroom."


"Do I have practice today?"

"Do I really need to do the extra credit? No one gets it right anyway. I'm not going to even try."

"Are they staring at me? What's wrong with me? Is it my hair? Makeup? AM I JUST UGLY? Please. We all know I am ugly and everyone knows it."

"What time is it? How's the period not over yet?"


So those are all of things that I think about during school. I really hope you guys could relate to these things and if you did make sure to vote on this chapter and comment which one of these thoughts was your favorite. Make sure to follow me on twitter (DifferentGirl_2) and subscribe to my YouTube channel (The Different Girl)

Stay beautiful, stay you, and I love you!!!!!

The Different Girl, staying the same XOXO

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