Summer trends

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Summer is here! I'm soo happy to relax, hang with friends, and chill in my pool. So I have some new summer trends so you can be one step ahead of the game.

👡 Sandals are back! We all love them. Plus there is a 50% off all sandals at Payless so you're in luck.

👡 Funk sunglasses are super cool. I mean we all use them but now, they're better than ever.

👡 Lace! Everyone is into lace. So grab any lace idem you can. Socks, shirts, dresses, any lace idem is so in.

👡 Pink lipstick is a summer thing. Si get it out and you'll be in with the new lipstick trends.

👡 Tank tops are always good. But this summer, they're blowing up. I personally love them and can't wait to wear them.

👡 The color yellow is making it's way back to the top of the trend board. So grab any yellow idem and use it all summer.

👡 A matte nail polish finisher is so in right now. Seventeen magazine says so.

👡 You know when you paint just the white part of your nails? Well that is always cute and it definitely is this summer.

👡 Ripped shorts, skirts, or shirts are awesome. They were last year and that trend did not change.

👡 Ankle cut shoes are the bomb. I have so many of them and I adore them. You can buy them or make it your own by tricking your kicks with canvas shoes and fabric markers.

👡 Movies are coming. Like Tommorowland, Inside out, Pitch Perfect 2, and Pixels. These are some movies I would like to see.

👡 A popular music artist I like right now is Calvin Harris. So check that out. I believe he will be a summer hit.

👡 The song See you again is the top summer song right now.

👡 Double piercings. I am getting one this summer. It might hurt, but it is worth it. Tip: the higher you pierce, the more it hurts.

👡 Starbucks drinks are always something to enjoy. The drinks aren't a trend, but the new drinks for summer are. So head on over and find the newest drink you can find.

👡 Light shades for anything in makeup is the way to go this summer.

👡 The new abc show The whispers is going to be a great hit this summer. And probably and new TV show trend.

👡 Reflex comfort shoes are so in. Not only are the cute, but they are extremely comfy. Plus, they're weird and cool.

👡 Since the shoes above are really short, you need to wear Minicci socks. They are so cool and the next big thing.

👡 Floral is always in. You can't wear floral dresses and sneakers until now so take part in that.

👡 This idem literally just came out. They are above the ankle pants. I can't wait to try them. Comment if you have some and tell me your thoughts on that.

👡 In the summer, you don't want to carry around and big, heavy bag when you're super hot. So especially now carry a cross body bag.

👡 When you're on vacation, always have Netflix with you. It keeps you busy and you can catch up on the episodes you missed of your favorite shows.

👡 Even more new movies coming out include Minions, Ted 2, and Dope.

👡 Relax. There's no studying or homework so ever once and a while, just chill. That is always a trend everyone does.

👡 The most important summer rule or trend is to have fun. Everyone does it and for 3 months, we don't have school so make the most of it. It's your summer.

Those trends will definitely help you be on style all summer. Trust me. AQ? I will answer them. Have the best summer ever!-TDG

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