Cool recycling tips

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Hello world! I know the title may seem lame but it is really cool! Today I will give tips on recycling your old things. Hope it helps you!

♻ Take your old mascara brush and use it as an eyelash brush.

♻ Take an old frame and spray paint it to match a room in your house. Then find something to put in it.

♻ Take an old tissue box and decorate it. You can put pencils and pens in it. Plus to get really creative cut out two out of six sides of the box. Then spray paint about 30 cotton balls and spray glue them into the box. There is your new phone holder right there.

♻ Take old plates and old candle holders and later them. Biggest plate on the bottom, then a candle holder, smaller plate, candle holder. Layer with about 3-4 plates and 2-3 candle holders. Glue them all and there is your new jewelry stand. (Btw this was created by Bethany Mota. I just wanted to add this.)

♻ Duck tape and old cup and there is your new little garbage for your desk.

♻ (This one is really weird by hear me out.) Take an old umbrella and rip off the fabric part so you're just left with the metal part. Find a metal pols and glue the metal part of the umbrella to the pole. There is your new and very weird coat or mostly hat rack. (Make sure you always leave the metal part of the umbrella open.)

♻ Take an old shirt and tye die it. It is super fun to do and it makes the old shirt really pretty.

♻ Take an old mirror and take out the glass. Paint the glass with chalk board paint. Wait for it to dry and put it back in the frame. Ta Da! Your new chalk board!

♻ Take an old piggy bank or money box and paint it any color you want. Then write a note a day to yourself and put it in the bank. When it gets very full, empty it out and read all the notes from yourself. That's a cool way to reuse your bank!

♻ Take an old pair of jeans and sew it on to an old shirt. A jean shirt!

♻ Take pictures out of a frame and tape them to a mirror. That is different and can recycle your pictures.

♻ To recycle your old paint, paint something with colors that match the paint. Then place that idem in the room where the original paint was used. ( If that makes any sense. If you still don't understand what I am trying to say, comment and I will try to help you.)

♻ If there is a music CD that you have that you don't like anymore, take out all the paper so that you're left with a blank plastic CD holder. Then take a blank disc and upload your favorite songs onto one playlist. Burn the songs onto your disc and place it in the holder and decorate paper to it can be like a cover. Your very own CD! (If you do not know how to burn music onto a disc look it up online. It is very easy. They sell blank CDs at Walmart or Staples.)

Those are my cool and fun recycling tips. I told you that the title made this chapter sound lame but it really isn't. AQ? You can comment them all below.-TDG

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