Cleaning hints

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Cleaning is boring! But it in the end, all that hard work is worth it. So today I am going to give you some advice on how to clean your room or house in neat ways and I will try to help cure your cleaning bordom. Hope you enjoy!

Tip #1

Always start cleaning by putting on music. It makes you move and do what you gotta do.

Tip #2

Windex gets any fingerprint or dirt off your window, glass item, or mirror.

Tip #3

Vacuum the carpet last. If you have anything laying around on the floor, you can pick it up and then vacuum. That way, nothing gets sucked up into the vacuum.

Tip #4

When cleaning, origination is the key. Like make a keep and trash pile. Another example is you can clean the windows before you clean your desk. In your own way, do everything in a nice and neat order.

Tip #5

Dust the rooms in your house at least once a week or three times a month. If you wait, you can sneeze from all the dust in the room. My family has had experience with this.

Tip #6

Wear dirty clothes while you are cleaning. That way, you don't have to dirty clean clothes and after you are done cleaning, you can throw your dirty clothes in the wash. Weren't you going to do that before you cleaned? Now you don't have to dirty your clean clothes.

Tip #7

Take a plastic bag and use it for your trash. So now if you just changed your garbage can, you don't have to keep doing it over and over again.

Tip #8

I personally believe it is better to clean in the morning. You will not be so tired and you can see everything, even a tiny spec of dirt, better than at night. Also at the end of the day, you probably already took a shower. After you clean at night, you will have to take another shower again. No one wants that. So so some cleaning in the morning.

Tip #9

Never wait until spring cleaning to clean your house. That is the worst thing that you could ever do, besides lying to someone. Spring cleaning is a time for major cleaning. It's not a time to do ALL of your cleaning.

Tip #10

Make games into your cleaning. Here are two examples: 1. Use a laundry basket as a basketball hoop and the dirty clothes on your floors are the basketballs. 2. Time your siblings and yourself and see who can clean their rooms the quickest. Your mom or dad or anyone who takes care of you can be the judge for who has the cleanest room, who did the best job, and who did it the quickest.

Tip #11

Never eat and clean. If you make a mess with the food you eat, you will have to clean that mess along with the original mess you were trying to clean up.

Tip #12

When you sweep or mop the floor, dance with the broom or mop. You know in "Annie" in the song "It's hard knock life."? Do what they do. I mean, come on why not?

Tip #13

Clean everything in your home with either Windex, Pledge, or sometimes just a paper towel to get the dust off.

Tip #14

Get away from all distractions. For example like food and TV. You will never do what needs to get done.

Tip #15

Always know that cleaning is a part of life. You can't hide from cleaning. Just make sure that you know in cleaning and in any part of life, you can make it the way you want to be. You decide where everything is placed, you decide how much something needs to be cleaned, you make the rules in your life.

That's all my hints. I got really into theses hints to help you, especially the last one. To be honest, u really get into all of my helpful tips for you. I hope you enjoy them. AQ? I will comment the answers.-TDG

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