We are all human

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Hey guys!

Today I wanted to talk. I was in the middle of writing a chapter (that will be coming soon!) and decided to talk about this thing that happened to me instead.

So about a month ago I wrote a chapter about conquering your fears. My fear was publicly speaking and I still having gotten over that (and btw I have to present two projects tomorrow. I am going to die.) Today was the first day of presenting and thankfully I didn't go. But others did. About a couple of weeks ago I wrote a chapter on my crush almost being exposed to me school. Today he presented one of his projects.

For some reason I listened really hard on what he was saying because there was nothing else to do (but of course worry about if I was going to be next) and I heard something in his voice what was familiar. He was was shaken. He was coughing a lot. He was nervous. I couldn't even express how mind blown I was. I know I sound stupid when I present cause I'm so nervous that my voice shakes and I can't speak. But today I realized something.

We are all human. We all have our flaws, maybe even similar ones. We all try our bests and we all make mistakes. We can't be perfect, but that's okay. Even our idols and famous celebrities our human. Sometimes we never picture that but it's true and today I remembered this. The guy I like is always calm and chill, but when it comes to school I guess he doesn't like talking or presenting. I've known him for a few months and yet I never noticed this about him. You learn something new everyday.

So you if feel like you are failing everything in life and what you do isn't your best and you feel you can't do anything well it's okay. We all feel that way sometimes. Because we aren't perfect and we are all human.

Thanks for listening to this. I wanted to give you all a nice reminder that we all make mistakes but we try out best and whatever happens, happens. If you are having a bad day I hoped this helped. If you are having the best day I hope you remember this whenever you need it. I wanted to talk about this because it's so simple yet we never really notice that we are human beings. And we aren't perfect. And that's okay.

Stay beautiful, stay you, and I love you!

The Different Girl, staying the same XOXO

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